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上海市肿瘤研究所流行病学研究室前身是上海市肿瘤研究所的肿瘤登记和肿瘤防治小组,为国内较早开展肿瘤流行病学研究的科室,正式建立于1978年。上海市肿瘤登记处于1963-2001年期间设在本研究室,系统收集和分析上海市区的恶性肿瘤发病、死亡和生存资料。1980年上海市肿癌研究所经世界卫生组织确认为WHO癌症研究合作中心,中心主任为本研究室高玉堂教授。20世纪80年代初,开始与国外一些著名研究机构和大学开展国际协作研究,例如世界卫生组织国际癌症研究中心(IARC)、美国国家癌症研究所(NCI)、美国南加州大学(USC)、美国明尼苏达州大学、美国凡登堡大学等。20余年来,研究室科研人员在国内外专业期刊上发表了300余篇科研论文,并获得了国家、卫生部和上海市科技进步奖一、二、三等奖约10项,至今已培养和在读的“流行病学与卫生统计学”专业硕士研究生分别为18名和4名。 研究室的科研项目涵盖了肿瘤流行病学的各个分支学科,例如描述流行病学(包括肿瘤登记)、横断面调查、病例对照研究、队列研究(回顾性和前瞻性)、生存率分析和研究、生物统计方法应用研究、肿瘤综合防治研究等。20世纪90年代以来,又相继开展了肿瘤营养流行病学和分子流行病学方面的工作。针对上海市区常见恶性肿瘤或发病率上升迅速的肿瘤开展过一系列全人群病例对照研究和大规模的队列研究,目前仍在上海市区开展3项前瞻性队列的随访和研究,包括建于80年代后期的男性队列(18 000名)、90年代后期的女性队列(75 000名)和自2001年起建立的另1项规模更大的男性队列(60 000名)。对这3个队列成员均收集了问卷资料和血尿等生物样品。今后一段时期内的主攻方向和内容将集中在以下3个方面:一是癌症分布规律和环境致癌或危险因素的研究,尤其是生活方式方 The predecessor of the Epidemiology Research Center of the Shanghai Cancer Institute is the Cancer Registry and Cancer Prevention Team of the Shanghai Cancer Institute. It was originally established in 1978 as a department for on-going tumor epidemiology in China. Shanghai Cancer Registry was set up in this laboratory during the period of 1963-2001. It systematically collected and analyzed the incidence, death and survival data of malignant tumors in Shanghai. In 1980, the Shanghai Institute of Swollen Cancer was recognized by the World Health Organization as the WHO Cancer Research Collaborating Center. The director of the Center is Professor Gao Yutang of the Research Office. In the early 1980s, it began to conduct international collaborative research with some famous research institutes and universities abroad, such as the International Organization for Cancer Research (IARC), the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the University of Southern California (USC), and the United States. University of Minnesota, Vandenberg University, etc. For more than 20 years, researchers in the research laboratory have published more than 300 scientific research papers in domestic and foreign professional journals, and have obtained about 10 items from the National, Ministry of Health, and Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Progress Awards I, II, and III. There are 18 masters and 4 postgraduates in epidemiology and health statistics. The research project’s research projects cover all branches of tumor epidemiology, such as descriptive epidemiology (including tumor registration), cross-sectional surveys, case-control studies, cohort studies (retrospective and prospective), survival analysis and research , application of biostatistical methods, and research on integrated cancer prevention and treatment. Since the 1990s, the work of epidemiology and molecular epidemiology of tumors has been carried out in succession. A series of population-wide case-control studies and large-scale cohort studies were carried out for common malignancies or tumors with a rapid increase in incidence in Shanghai City. Three prospective cohort follow-ups and studies were conducted in Shanghai, including The male cohort (18,000) in the late 1980s, the female cohort (75 000) in the late 1990s, and another larger male cohort (60,000) established since 2001. Questionnaire data and hematuria and other biological samples were collected for these three cohort members. The direction and content of the main attack in the coming period will focus on the following three aspects: First, research on the distribution of cancer and environmental carcinogenic or risk factors, especially lifestyle
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