Bio-inspired Actuating System for Swimming Using Shape Memory Alloy Composites

来源 :International Journal of Automation and Computing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiaomy
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The paper addresses the designs of a caudal peduncle actuator, which is able to furnish a thrust for swimming of a robotic fish. The caudal peduncle actuator is based on concepts of ferromagnetic shape memory alloy (FSMA) composite and hybrid mechanism that can provide a fast response and a strong thrust. The caudal peduncle actuator was inspired by Scomber Scombrus which utilises thunniform mode swimming, which is the most efficient locomotion mode evolved in the aquatic environment, where the thrust is generated by the lift-based method, allowing high cruising speeds to be maintained for a long period of time. The morphology of an average size Scomber Scombrus (length in 310 mm) was investigated, and a 1:1 scale caudal peduncle actuator prototype was modelled and fabricated. The propulsive wave characteristics of the fish at steady speeds were employed as initial design objectives. Some key design parameters are investigated, i.e. aspect ratio (AR) (AR = 3.49), Reynolds number (Re = 429649), reduced frequency (σ= 1.03), Strouhal number (St = 0.306) and the maximum strain of the bent tail was estimated atε= 1.11% which is in the range of superelasticity. The experimental test of the actuator was carried out in a water tank. By applying 7 V and 2.5 A, the actuator can reach the tip-to-tip rotational angle of 85°at 4 Hz. The paper addresses the designs of a caudal peduncle actuator, which is able to furnish a thrust for swimming of a robotic fish. The caudal peduncle actuator is based on concepts of ferromagnetic shape memory alloy (FSMA) composite and hybrid mechanism that can provide a fast response and a strong thrust. The caudal peduncle actuator was inspired by Scomber Scombrus which utilises thunniform mode swimming, which is the most efficient locomotion mode evolved in the aquatic environment, where the thrust is generated by the lift-based method, allowing high cruising speeds The morphology of an average size Scomber Scombrus (length in 310 mm) was investigated, and a 1: 1 scale caudal peduncle actuator prototype was modelled and fabricated. The propulsive wave characteristics of the fish at Some key design parameters are investigated, ie aspect ratio (AR) (AR = 3.49), Reynolds number (Re = 429649), reduced frequency (σ = 1.03), Strouhal number (St = 0.306) and the maximum strain of the bent tail was estimated at ε = 1.11% which is in the range of superelasticity. The experimental test of the actuator was carried out in a water tank. By applying 7 V and 2.5 A, the actuator can reach the tip-to-tip rotational angle of 85 ° at 4 Hz.
一、法规体系现状锅炉、压力容器、压力管道作为承压的特种设备 ,一旦发生爆炸或泄漏 ,往往并发火灾、中毒等灾难性事故 ;电梯、起重机械、客运架空索道、游艺机和游乐设施、
目的:研究奥拉西坦对咪达唑仑在大鼠体内药动学的影响。方法:采用高效液相色谱法,色谱条件:色谱柱为Dia-monsil C18柱(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm),流动相为乙腈-水(62∶38),流速1.
临床资料 患者女 ,4 5岁 ,因左眼疼痛来急诊室。她在商务旅行飞返途中眼痛发作在随后的几个小时内加重。患者主诉 :左眼有刺痛和异物感 ,闭眼时有“沙粒入眼”的感觉 ,但睁
梅尼埃病的病因可能是多方面的 ,抗食物变应原和抗面包的酵母抗体可能是与免疫异常有关的体液因素。本组 2 9例梅尼埃病病人男 10例 ,女 19例 ,(平均年龄 5 0岁 ,范围 2 6~ 78
饕rJ参燃帕rf像.作1“-1918~1-: Itk暂^rI像.作I:190Sg|~露蜕·肇¨J失新肇,作r1917年莫地里亚尼的作品@莫地里亚尼请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Satisfied