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我是一名语文教师,更是一位爱书人。细细地审视自己从学生到教师以至到有点名气的语文教师的历程,能够让我心存感动、倍加珍惜、让我与语文难以割舍的就是读书,是书把我带进了语文学习和研究的更高境界。我读书的经历跟现在的同学差不多,只是那时的书少得可怜,后来报考大学时我不假思索地填报了中文专业。在曲阜师大孜孜求学的日子,我读书的梦想在那里得以放飞,我尽情品尝读书的幸福。我如一个饥渴的人,纵情地在书中游览秀美的山川大地,纵横上下几千年瑰丽的历史,享受书的美好,那种热爱生活、热爱生命的信念也更加强烈。清晨,当我在幽静的校园小道上,伴着淡淡的花香读书时,我感到好似在跟一位哲人谈心,昂扬的斗志时刻撞击我的心灵;晚上,在幽幽的书房里,读书入迷时就进入了一种超脱生命的美好享受中;时空变得不再辽阔,百川尽收胸中,觉得生活之 I am a language teacher and even a book lover. A careful examination of the course of the language teachers, from students to teachers and even fame, can make me feel moved, cherish, and make it hard for me to linger with language. It is the book that has brought me into language learning and research. The higher realm. The experience of my schooling was similar to that of the current classmates. However, the book was very poor at that time. When I applied for university, I filled in the Chinese language professionally. At the time of Qufu Normal University’s eager to learn, my dream of reading was allowed to fly there. I enjoyed the happiness of reading. As a hungry person, I indulge in the beautiful mountains and rivers in the book, and enjoy thousands of years of magnificent history. I enjoy the beauty of the book. The belief in love for life and love for life is even stronger. In the morning, when I was reading on the secluded campus trail with a touch of fragrant flowers, I felt as if I was talking to a philosopher, and my high morale hit my soul at all times; at night, in the faint study room, when I was studying, Entering into a beautiful life that is beyond life; time and space are no longer vast, all rivers are full, and they feel that they are living
我国的民族分布具有既集中、又分散,大杂居、小聚居,交错分布的特点,少数民族聚居区主要在西南、西北和东北边疆地区。而位于河西走廊西端、祁连山脚下的酒泉,自古以来就是一个多民族聚居的地方。除汉族外,先后有月氏、匈奴、回鹘等古代民族辛勤开拓,繁衍生息,各民族之间形成了相互依存、密不可分的关系。裕固族就是这众多民族中的一员。    悠久的历史    裕固族具有悠久的历史和古老的文化。一般认为,裕固族主要来
葛根为豆科植物野Pueraria lobata(Willd.)Ohwi或甘葛藤P.thomsoniiBenth.的干燥根,系常用中药,葛根在我国分布广泛,资源丰富具有多种药理和临床作用^[1,2],葛根中含有多咎有
<正> 学习语文的主渠道是读写,但是“听”也是不可缺少的获得“语文”的重要手段。想一想我们现在得到的语文知识和能力,有意无意听来的东西还真不少。