
来源 :第欧根尼 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:TDM
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本文是《第欧根尼》239-240期的导读文章,概述和评论了本期收录文章的内容及特点。该期的主题是“法律的边界——司法、权力与政治”。收录的专题论文旨在帮助读者更好地理解非洲、亚洲和欧洲不同社会中的司法与行使权力之间的关系。所收录的文章集中于两大关注点:一是各种司法范畴的定义对于真实性概念,对于允许在一个案件的司法诉讼过程中确立的各种程序,以及司法与政治之间关系的起伏不定的平衡可能发生的影响。二是国家司法机关与解决冲突的“习惯”裁判机构之间的关联性。论文分为四大部分:第一部分包括三篇文章,论述司法如何在意大利、印度和阿富汗的三种不同环境下确立国家机关与社会诉求之间的一个合法性空间;第二部分论文旨在从三种对照的情景(印度、法国、中国)出发,对可以达到司法真实的程序进行反思。第三部分指出了拘泥于法律条文与妥协之间的这种关系的三种不同样本(印度、中国、布基纳法索);第四部分着重分析非官方的调解实践与国家各级法庭的功能之间不同形式的连续性和互补性(而不是对立)。 This article is a “Diogenes” 239-240 period of the introductory article, summed up and commented on the contents of this issue included articles and features. The theme for this issue is “The Boundary of Law - Justice, Power and Politics.” The monographs included are designed to help readers better understand the relationship between the judiciary and the exercise of power in different societies in Africa, Asia and Europe. The articles collected focus on two main concerns: First, the definition of various categories of justice For the notion of truth, the variety of procedures that allow the establishment of judicial proceedings in a single case, and the fluctuating relationship between the judiciary and the political The possible impact of the balance. The second is the connection between the national judiciary and the “customary” refereeing agency that resolves the conflict. The thesis is divided into four parts: The first part includes three articles on how justice can establish a space of legitimacy between state organs and social demands under the three different environments of Italy, India and Afghanistan. The second part is about The three controlled scenarios (India, France, China) set out to reflect on the procedures that can be achieved in judicial practice. The third part identifies three different examples (India, China, Burkina Faso) of the relationship that are rigidly adhered to between the legal provisions and the compromise; the fourth part focuses on the analysis of unofficial conciliation practices with the courts at all levels in the country Different forms of continuity and complementarity between functions (rather than opposites).
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