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我有幸这次“走进中国十大儿童摄影第一站”的活动,同远集团旗下的“同远会”以其独特的运作模式深深地吸引了我!“同远会”是隶属于同远集团的公益性组织和会员俱乐部,通过组织丰富多彩的活动,以倡导儿童精致生活为核心理念,旨在引导孩子们建立幸福阳光的生活方式。在此次交流会上,同远会的工作人员向我们介绍了同远会近两年来所组织的上百场公益活动及户外亲子活动,其所有会员全部免费参与,体现了企业的魄力。“同远会”作为同远旗下的子品牌,没有赢利的要求,全平台只做服务,这是 I am fortunate to have this “the first step into China’s top ten children’s photography ” activities, with the Far Group’s “with the far party ” with its unique mode of operation has deeply attracted me! “ Club ”is a public welfare organizations and member clubs affiliated to Tongyuan Group. Through organizing colorful activities and advocating children’s delicate life as the core concept, the club aims to guide children to establish a happy and sunny life style. At this exchange meeting, the staff from Tongyuan Club introduced us to hundreds of public welfare activities and outdoor parent-child activities organized by Tongyuan Club in the past two years. All their members were free to participate, demonstrating their courage. “With the far will ” As with the far sub-brand, there is no profit requirements, the whole platform only service, which is
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阅读教学是初中语文教学的重点,是培养学生语文素养的重要途径。在阅读教学中,师生对话、生本对话、生生对话是基本的对话关系。从师生对话关系看,教师在教学中是学生的引导者,学生对文本的解读因受知识、经验等各种因素影响,离不开教师的引导。提问作为教师引导学生的重要手段,不仅能较好地集中学生的注意力,还能让学生在问题的启发下深入文本,从而获得更深的体验和感悟。  以提问来引导学生阅读,要注重在情境中提出问题