1966年6月4日,刘少奇和邓小平到杭州向毛泽东汇报了“文革”情况,并请他回京主持工作。毛泽东没有同意,他委托刘少奇相机处理运动问题。 刘少奇又急忙飞回北京,主持召开了中央会议,决定向大、中学派出工作组。但是工作组受到造反派的抵制和围攻。 7月18日,毛泽东突然返回北京。 当晚,刘少奇闻讯后驱车赶往毛泽东的住处。他看到毛泽东住所门前己经停了几辆小轿车,屋里灯火通明。刘少奇请卫士通
On June 4, 1966, Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping went to Hangzhou to report the “Cultural Revolution” to Mao Zedong and asked him to return to work in Beijing. Mao Zedong did not agree, he commissioned Liu Shaoqi camera to deal with sports problems. Liu Shaoqi hurried back to Beijing again and chaired a Central Conference and decided to send a working group to both large and middle schools. However, the working group was boycotted and besieged by the rebels. On July 18, Mao Zedong suddenly returned to Beijing. That night, Liu Shaoqi drove to Mao Zedong’s residence after hearing the news. He saw several cars parked in front of Mao’s residence, and the house was brightly lit. Liu Shaoqi Guardian pass