
来源 :种子世界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haorui524
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1.选地 (1)要选耕土层深厚,排水良好,保水力强的肥沃土壤。 (2)开花期到收获期间降雨量少的地区。 2.播种一般在8月中旬左右播种,亩播量1.5~1.8斤,苗床散播,播后用沙土覆益后喷多菌灵防止立枯病。然后用稻草覆盖苗床面,以防暴雨冲洗和保持床温。待播后6~7天种子发芽后揭开稻草,阴天下午揭开为好。幼苗长出3~5片真叶时间苗。 3.定植首先按N:P:K=18.5:20.0:17.0比例,根据前作物而调节施肥量,施肥总量40%为基肥,66%为追肥.分3~4次进行追肥。然后在春天达到生长温度定檀,母:父=3:I来定檀。行株距60×35厘米,隔离区距离异品种4000米以上为宜。 4.管理 (1)冬前母根贮藏:冬前母根起后,根朝内摆成园形,一层土一层母根,垛成园锥形。 (2)定植后管理:3月定植后至4月份追二次肥(尿素亩 1. Selection (1) to select soil deep, well drained, strong water and fertile soil. (2) Areas with low rainfall during flowering and harvesting. 2. Sowing generally sow around mid-August, mu sowing 1.5 to 1.8 kg, seedbed spread, after sowing with sand and soil cover after spraying carbendazim to prevent damping-off. Then cover the seedbed with straw to prevent rain from washing and keeping bed temperature. To be broadcast 6 to 7 days after the seed germination opened the straw, opened in cloudy days as well. Seedlings grow 3 to 5 true leaf time seedlings. 3. The first planting according to the ratio of N: P: K = 18.5: 20.0: 17.0, according to the former crop and adjust the amount of fertilizer, 40% of the total fertilization base fertilizer, 66% for the top dressing. Then in the spring to reach the growth temperature set Tan, mother: father = 3: I to set Tan. Row spacing of 60 × 35 cm, isolation zone more than 4,000 meters away from different varieties is appropriate. 4. Management (1) Pre-winter mother root storage: winter before the mother root, root into the park-shaped, a layer of soil layer of parent root, stack into a garden cone. (2) Post-colonization Management: Following the planting in March to April, chasing two times of fertilizer (urea mu
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