Inhibitory effects of asiaticoside on nitric oxide production in neonatal rat microglia cultures

来源 :Acta Pharmacologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guoxuemei123
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Asiaticoside, one or the components extracted from Centella asiatica (L) Urban which has anti-viral and anti-inflammatory actions, was studied on nitric oxide (NO) production from primary cultured rat microglia in vitro. NO concentration was represented by nitrite and determined by Oriess reaction. Asiaticoside did not show any inhibiton on NO production in resting microglia,but significantly decreased its levels in lipoplysaccharides-stimulated rat microglia at the concentration 10 Asiaticoside, one or the components extracted from Centella asiatica (L) Urban which has anti-viral and anti-inflammatory actions, was studied on nitric oxide (NO) production from primary cultured rat microglia in vitro. NO concentration was represented by nitrite and determined by Oriess reaction. Asiaticoside did not show any inhibiton on NO production in resting microglia, but significantly decreased its levels in lipoplysaccharides-stimulated rat microglia at concentration 10
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