
来源 :共产党员(河北) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qinzi9509
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西汉人张释之,为官清廉、办事认真,作风正派。还在张释之作“公车令”(掌管皇宫里司马门和殿门的官)时,一日见一辆车马扬鞭直过司马门,向殿门走去。车上两个年轻人说说笑笑,对门前荷枪持戟的羽林军守卫视而不见。当时有法律规定,到司马门前,文官下车,武将下马,违青问罪。张释之心想,哪来这两个野小子,竟敢闯我皇宫的司马门!上前责问卫兵:“那车上是什么人?胆敢目无法 Zhang Han interpretation of the Western Han Dynasty, clean officials, work hard, decent style. In the midst of Zhang's comment on ”bus order“ (the official in charge of the Simamen and Dianmen in the palace), he saw a horse and whip past Sima Gate one day and walked to the temple gate. The two young men in the car talked and smiled, turning the gun on the halberd of the Hawthorne guard guarding the blind. At that time, there were laws and regulations. Before the Sima door, the civil servants got off and the generals dismounted, violating the criminal's question. Zhang release of the heart to think, where are these two wild kid, dare to break into my palace Sima door! Prior to ask the guard: ”What is the car?
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