ACC Secretary—General Attended and Addressed the 2015 International Forum on China—ASEAN Traditional

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  The 2015 International Forum on China-ASEAN Traditional Medicine and Health Tourism was held in Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on 18 December 2015, with the theme “Traditional Medicine and Health Tourism Development and Cooperation”. The forum was co-hosted by China National Tourism Administration (CNTA), State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SATCM) and the People’s Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) Secretary-General H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping attended and addressed the forum. The Forum brought together over 300 delegates from the host institutions, Embassies and Consulates-General of ASEAN countries in China, UNDP, the UN World Peace Foundation and tourism and healthcare sectors.
  H.E. Mr. Huang Ribo, Vice Chairman of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region said in his address that Guangxi, with its unique traditional Chinese herbs, medicinal cuisine and bath as well as one third of China’s places of longevity, held immense appeal to health-conscious tourists. It was home to one third of China’s places of longevity, and Bama was one of the five world-renowned places of longevity. As the permanent host of China-ASEAN Expo, Guangxi is now at the forefront of China-ASEAN cooperation in all areas and stands ready to promote cooperation in health tourism with ASEAN countries.
  Mr. Wu Wenxue, Vice Chairman of CNTA and Mr. Yu Wenming, Vice Chairman of SATCM both spoke highly of the role of traditional medicine and health tourism in driving global growth, which could also become an important area of cooperation between China and ASEAN. In the past five years, global health tourism had grown at an annual rate of 9.9 %. The number of health tourists worldwide was expected to exceed 48.5 million in 2015. China and ASEAN countries are making full use of their own advantages to promote health tourism.
  In her address at the Forum, Secretary-General Yang Xiuping underscored tourism cooperation as an important part of ASEAN-China economic and cultural links, which enjoyed enormous potential for growth. By the end of 2015, the number of mutual tourist visits between the two sides was expected to exceed 20 million. Both ASEAN and China, Secretary-General Yang said, had their own traditional medicine resources and may well cooperate in this area. The forum was an innovative event, as it integrated modern tourism and traditional culture. She also reaffirmed ACC’s commitment to deeper cooperation between ASEAN and China in trade, investment, education, culture, tourism, media and public relations.
  Delegates at the Forum offered their advice on developing health tourism and suggested international cooperation be enhanced to ensure fast growth of the traditional medicine and health tourism sectors and improve the wellbeing of people in all countries.
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经历了2015年马来西亚经济放缓和马币疲软后,马来西亚房地产业一度大受影响,不仅行将缓慢,而且处境尴尬,使众多投资者纷纷驻足观望,不敢越雷池一步。  日前,马来西亚SwhengTee国际房地产投资者俱乐部创办人、马来西亚房地产著名专家顾问拿督斯里郑水兴接受了本刊的专访。在采访中,郑水兴重点分析了马来西亚房地产在2016年及以后的走向及“东盟效应”对马来西亚房地产业的影响,并大胆断言此刻是投资马来西
2013年10月, 中国国家主席习近平在出访印度尼西亚期间,提出了构建21世纪“海上丝绸之路”的构想。而仅在此一个月之前,他到访哈萨克斯坦,提出了建设丝绸之路经济带的倡议。随后,在2014年7月巴西举行的峰会上,金砖国家(巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非) 酝酿成立新的开发银行。同年秋天,中国倡导成立亚洲基础设施投资银行。目前,中国正为发展中国家的重大基础设施工程提供方案计划。  始于罗马时代、贯穿
文化,作为一个民族对外交流的“名片”,在国与国之间的交往中扮演着越来越重要的作用。中国国家民族事务委员会,作为世界了解中国民族情况、民族政策、民族文化的窗口,历年来充分发挥民族文化的优势,扶持中国民族文化“走出去”,在世界舞台上展现中国民族的独特魅力。  近几年,伴随着中国—东盟双边经贸关系的不断发展,中国与东盟就加强人文交往与文化交流的重要性和必要性方面达成越来越多的共识。中国国家民族事务委员会
In terms of China-ASEAN cooperation in 2016, there will be a host of favorable opportunities: the political mutual trust and relationship between ASEAN and China will be enhanced when commemorating th
2016年1月16日,筹备800多天的亚洲基础设施投资银行(以下简称“亚投行”)正式开业,标志着一个股本为1000亿美元并具有57个创始成员国的大型区域性多边开发银行从此诞生,将为亚洲区域国家、地区提供贷款、控股、担保和技术援助等广泛金融服务。作为一个新型国际性金融机构,它的首个项目将会“花落何处”?又将会给企业带来哪些福音?  开放的平台,灵活的机制  “亚投行的主要业务是援助亚太地区国家的基础
恰逢2015年年底最后一天,东盟经济共同体正式成立。 然而,在很多人看来,他们的日常生活却并不会因此发生显著变化。  事实上,人们的这种看法不无道理。早在2002年,东盟各方就已着手打造东盟自由贸易区,倾力实现区域内商品、服务、投资和资本的自由流通。  1993年至2002年间,尽管东盟对刚加入的四个成员国(即柬埔寨、缅甸、老挝和越南等)所采用的税率机制有所不同,但已经逐步将该区域内大部分商品的关
2015年的最后一天,东盟轮值主席国马来西亚外长阿尼法发表声明,宣告东盟共同体正式成立。东南亚拥有广阔的发展前景,据业内人士预测,受益于近年迅猛的发展,2030年东盟或成为人口近7亿的世界第四大经济体。未来共同体单一市场的不断完善,将使全世界投资者对该地区信心倍增,吸引更多投资流向东南亚。  就在此时,部分经济学学者发出了这样的声音,认为东盟共同体不久将在中国经济增速放缓、制造业迁出之际,取代中国
2015年12月18日,“2015中国—东盟传统医药健康旅游国际论坛”在广西南宁市开幕。论坛以“传统医药健康旅游发展与合作”为主题,由中国国家旅游局、国家中医药管理局和广西壮族自治区人民政府共同主办。中国—东盟中心秘书长杨秀萍出席论坛并致辞。来自上述主办单位和东盟国家驻华使领馆、联合国开发计划署、联合国世界和平基金会以及旅游和医药界代表300余人与会。  广西壮族自治区副主席黄日波在致辞中表示,广