Study on the double-logarithmic profile of tidal flow velocity in the near-bed layers

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lihaohua008
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Tidal current velocity profile in the near-bed layers has been widely studied.The results showed that velocity profile in the near-bed layer obviously departure from the traditional logarithmic profile,due to the acceleration or deceleration.Although the logarithmic linear profile can reduce the rate of deviation from this,only it is a lower-order approximate solution.In this paper,considering the unsteady and non-linear features of tidal motion,the double logarithmic profile near-bed layers in estuarine and coastal waters is established on the assumption that the turbulent shear stress along the water depth was parabolic distribution,and on the basis of Prandtl’s mixing length theory and von Karman’s self-similar theory.Having been verified the data observed at the West Solent in the south of England,and comparison of the logarithmic linear profile,it found that the double logarithmic profile is more precious than the latter.At last,the discussed results showed that:(1) The parabolic distribution of the tidal shear stresses verified good by the field data and experimental data,can be better reflected the basic features of the tidal shear stress deviating from linear distribution that is downward when to accelerate,upward when to decelerate.(2) The traditional logarithmic velocity profile is the zero-order approximation solution of the double logarithmic profile,the logarithmic linear profile is the first order,and the logarithmic parabolic profile is the second order.(3) Ignoring the conditions of diffusion and convection in the tidal movement,the double logarithmic profile can reflect the tidal properties of acceleration or deceleration,so that the calculation of the friction velocity and roughness length are more reasonable.When the acceleration or the deceleration is about zero,the double logarithmic profile becomes the logarithmic profile. Tidal current velocity profile in the near-bed layers has been widely studied. The results showed that velocity profile in the near-bed layer obviously departure from the traditional logarithmic profile, due to the acceleration or deceleration. Although the logarithmic linear profile can reduce the rate of deviation from this, only it is a lower-order approximate solution. In this paper, considering the unsteady and non-linear features of tidal motion, the double logarithmic profile near-bed layers in estuarine and coastal waters is established on the assumption that the turbulent shear stress along the water depth was parabolic distribution, and on the basis of Prandtl’s mixing length theory and von Karman’s self-similar theory. Having been verified the data observed at the West Solent in the south of England, and comparison of the logarithmic linear profile, it found that the double logarithmic profile is more precious than the latter. At last, the discussed results showed that: (1) The parabolic distribution of the tidal shear stress verified good by the field data and experimental data, can be the better features the tidal shear stress deviating from linear distribution that is downward when to accelerate, upward when to decelerate. (2) The traditional logarithmic velocity profile is the zero-order approximation solution of the double logarithmic profile, the logarithmic linear profile is the first order, and the logarithmic parabolic profile is the second order. (3) Ignoring the conditions of diffusion and convection in the tidal movement, the double logarithmic profile can reflect the tidal properties of acceleration or deceleration, so that the calculation of the friction velocity and roughness length are more reasonable. Whether the acceleration or the deceleration is about zero, the double logarithmic profile becomes the logarithmic profile.
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