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肠易激综合征 (IBS)是消化系统常见病 ,引起该病因素繁多 ,症状复杂 ,目前尚缺乏统一治疗方案。我们选择以腹痛腹泻为主或伴有不同程度精神神经系统症状者为治疗对象 ,应用桂利嗪加多塞平 (多虑平 )进行治疗 ,经对比观察效果满意。1 对象和方法1 1 对象  1 94例均符合I Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common digestive system, causing a variety of factors, the symptoms are complex, there is a lack of a unified treatment. We choose to abdominal pain or diarrhea-based or with varying degrees of neurological symptoms were treated subjects, the application of cinnarizine plus doxepin (doxepin) for treatment, the results were satisfactory. 1 Subjects and methods 1 1 Subject 1 94 cases are in line with I
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导演说:一切为了好看! 因《宰相刘罗锅》和《咱爸咱妈》等剧声名鹊起的著名导演韩刚,几年前就产生了与著名导演谢飞合作的意向。不久前,当谢飞“下海”创办起“北京—谢飞尊
《中国药典》规定 ,配制盐酸普鲁卡因注射液时 ,其酸度须用 0 .1M的盐酸调节 ,使得 p H为 3.5~ 5 [1 ] 。我们过去的做法是 :灌装前 ,在符合浓度的药液中 ,将 0 .1M的盐酸少量
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