
来源 :浙江教育科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhiyuanxu
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为了了解中学生的健康营养现状,我们对中学生及其家长的健康营养知识的知晓情况、获得营养知识的途径和态度、科学膳食行为的达成情况做抽样问卷调查。结果表明:学生、家长掌握的营养知识片面、零散、缺乏系统性;网络、电视、报刊书籍三大媒体是他们获得健康营养知识的较主要途径,但这些途径并没有真正满足他们对健康营养知识的需求;健康营养知识的不足直接导致不合理膳食的普遍存在,特别是中学生营养知识与膳食行为问题与高营养需求很不匹配。家长关注孩子膳食营养,但无法进行科学合理的膳食营养指导。学生科学饮食习惯的养成需要家庭、社会、学校共同努力。为此提出:加强健康膳食营养的科普宣传;公共食堂及餐饮服务业推行营养师制度;加强学生健康营养教育活动等三条建议。调研结论与建议可以为学校的健康营养教育、社会公共健康服务体系建设提供参考依据。 In order to understand the status quo of middle school students’ health and nutrition, we conducted a questionnaire survey on the knowledge of health nutrition among middle school students and their parents, the ways and attitudes of obtaining nutritional knowledge, and the achievement of scientific dietary behaviors. The results showed that: the students, parents grasp the nutritional knowledge of the one-sided, fragmented, lack of systematic; network, television, newspapers and magazines, the three media access to nutrition and health of their more important ways, but these channels did not really meet their nutritional knowledge of health The lack of knowledge of health nutrition directly leads to the prevalence of unreasonable diet, especially the nutritional knowledge and dietary behaviors of middle school students do not match with the high nutritional requirements. Parents pay attention to children’s dietary nutrition, but can not conduct scientific and rational dietary nutrition guidance. The development of students’ scientific eating habits needs the joint efforts of families, communities and schools. To this end: to strengthen the health of popular science diet advocacy; public canteens and catering service industry to implement dietitian system; to strengthen student nutrition and health education activities such as three recommendations. The conclusions and recommendations of the research can provide reference for the health and nutrition education of schools and the construction of public health service system.
大同县独树大队1976年有水浇地300亩,两年后,配套的十五眼机井和一处电灌站依旧未变,水浇地却猛增到1000亩.这700亩水浇地是怎样增加的呢?对此,我们专门进行了调查. 独树大
深圳的快播公司到底有没有罪?网友与法学家、律师与法官正在打架,我们只有看热闹的份。    其实,日本在过去也曾发生过一起类似的 “快播”案件。这一案件发生在2003年,比中国版的“快播”案件早了整整12年。这一个官司,日本从地方法院打到最高法院,前后整整花了八年的时间,其判决多次反复,最终的结果出乎了许多人的预料。  2003年,日本发生了一起重大泄密事件,防卫厅、警察厅等中央重要机关的一些机密文
使机引五铧犁阻力增加的因素很多,其中尾轮调整不当是最容易被人们忽视的一个因素. 尾轮的调整包括水平调整和垂直调整两项.水平调整是借助水平调节螺钉通过转向环、侧定板