Modification in the diet can induce beneficial effects against breast cancer

来源 :世界临床肿瘤学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jun_er
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The population tends to consume foods that in addition to their nutritional values can offer some benefits to their health.There are many epidemiological evidences and research studies in animal models suggesting that diet plays an important role in breas
摘 要:为了研究不同引发剂对陈茄子种子的引发效果,本实验设T1,GA3(150毫克/升);T2,GA3(150毫克/升) PEG(15%);T3,Ca(NO3)2(50毫摩尔/升);T4,Ca(NO3)2(25毫摩尔/升) KMnO4(0.3毫摩尔/升);T5,ZnSO4(0.1毫摩尔/升) KNO3(150毫摩尔/升);对照有两个,一为未作处理的CK1,另一对照为用水引发的CK2。试验结
Psoriasis comprises severe skin problems affects on quality of patient’s life.It affects 2%of the general population with age before 35 years old.Most potent a
Psoriasis is a chronic,recurrent inflammatory cutaneous disease.Psoriasis patients alternate between periods of remission and periods of exacerbation of the dis
During the past few decades,the investigative technologies of molecular biology-especially sequencing-underwent huge advances,leading to the sequencing of the e
芝麻是我国四大油料作物之一,含油率高达48%~63%。芝麻油营养丰富,气味醇香,是美味食品及工业医药的重要原料。芝麻对土壤要求不严,但适宜高燥肥沃的砂质壤土,也可在新开垦带碱性土壤种植,不宜在薄地和重盐碱地大面积栽培。种植芝麻一般要2~3年轮作一次,否则枯萎病、青枯病等危害严重。  1 整地  春播地区在前作收后及时深耕,随即耙平耙碎,以利保墒,来春解冻后抓紧耕耙,播种前再行细耙一次。夏(秋)播地
摘要:淮河流域耕地面积广,包括5省40市,人口密集,在我国农业生产中占重要地位。以“互联网 农业”助推淮河生态经济带发展,推进重要农产品生态产业链数据建设,可构建平等互利、共信负责、合作共赢的生态农业平台,同时可进一步提高农业生产总值,增加农民收入,实现社会与经济效益的共同发展。  关键词:“互联网 ”;生态农业;建设;发展  2018年11月,国家发改委通知印发《淮河生态经济带发展规划》,规划明
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Psoriasis is a lifelong,chronic,recurring and highly variable skin disease.Psoriatic plaques are formed through induction of inflammation in the epidermis and d