
来源 :Agricultural Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haq1227
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为探索SPVD对甘薯生长发育和产量形成的影响,本试验以高淀粉甘薯品种西成薯007的病毒苗、常规苗和脱毒苗为试验材料研究了SPVD在甘薯植株上的作用机理,得出以下结论:SPVD可导致甘薯地上部丛生和矮化、叶片变小而体现有效叶面积低,叶绿素含量降低,“源”变小,同化能力和光合能力降低;“流”变小,最终导致生物产量降低,而汰除SPVD可增大叶“源”和叶绿素含量,提高植株的光合能力和“流”的通畅性,从而增加产量。SPVD可使甘薯植株的SOD、POD和CAT活性降低,MDA含量上升,抗氧化活性降低,细胞膜受到伤害,最终导致产量降低,而脱除SPVD可增加SOD、POD和CAT在植株体内的活性,从而降低MDA对植株的危害。SPVD的脱除可增加3.4%的茎叶产量和2.9%的鲜薯产量,而SPVD浸染可使茎叶和鲜薯分别降低69.9%和49.1%。 In order to explore the effect of SPVD on the growth and yield formation of sweet potato, the mechanism of action of SPVD on sweet potato was studied in this experiment with the virus seedling, conventional seedling and virus-free seedling of high starch sweetpotato variety XiTi 007, CONCLUSIONS: SPVD can lead to shoots and dwarfing in the shoots of sweet potato, with smaller leaf area, lower effective leaf area, lower chlorophyll content, smaller “source”, lower assimilative ability and photosynthetic capacity; Eventually leading to a decrease in biomass production. However, the elimination of SPVD can increase leaf “source ” and chlorophyll content and increase plant photosynthetic capacity and “flow ” patency, thereby increasing production. SPVD can reduce the activities of SOD, POD and CAT in sweet potato plants, increase the content of MDA, decrease the antioxidant activity and damage the cell membrane, and finally lead to the decrease of yield. However, the removal of SPVD increases the activity of SOD, POD and CAT in plants. Reduce the damage of MDA to plants. The removal of SPVD increased the yield of stems and leaves by 3.4% and the yield of fresh potatoes by 2.9%, while that of SPVD decreased by 69.9% and 49.1% respectively.
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介绍了厚膜集成微压传感器的研制过程。此种集成微压传感器的量程为1 kPa、满量程输出为25 mV、非线性小于0 .2 % 、综合精度小于0 .5 % 。 The development of thick film integrated micro
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