生产增速放缓 经济效益向好 今年前三季度产业用纺织品行业运行仍在快速增长区间

来源 :纺织服装周刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cntanmingyong
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日前,中国产业用纺织品行业协会发布了今年前三季度行业经济运行分析。分析指出,今年前三季度产业用纺织品行业主要经济指标增速有所下降,但仍处于快速增长区间,行业经济效益、投资、出口增速仍快。 Recently, China Industrial Textile Industry Association released an analysis of the economic operation of the industry in the first three quarters of this year. The analysis pointed out that in the first three quarters of this year, the growth rate of the major economic indicators of the industrial textile industry has declined, but is still in a period of rapid growth. The industrial economic returns, investment and export growth are still growing rapidly.
《金牛河》。杨剑龙著,安徽文艺出版社2008年10月版,18.00元  《金牛河》并不是我们常见的传统意义上的知青小说,虽然,小说题词“献给曾在广阔天地里的知青们,这里有我知青岁月的青春印痕”容易给人造成一种错觉,但小说并没有作忆苦思甜的知青叙述或永不言悔的青春岁月的激情表达。知青作为一种符号,在文本中,它似乎并没有彰显出它自身的意义。相反,在小说中,知青作为一个群体和身份,已经融入到金牛镇广阔的