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对好莱坞来说,去年最爆炸最轰动的绯闻,莫过于影坛头号帅哥汤姆·克鲁斯与澳洲女星妮可·基德曼的离婚案了。好莱坞最美的一则有如王子与公主般美好幸福的童话故事,却在情人节前画上污点,而导致两人关系破裂的,正是与阿汤哥在新片《香草天空》中有着精彩对手戏的西班牙“麻烦”美女佩妮洛普·克鲁兹。汤姆和妮可于1990年演出电影《霹雳男儿》时结缘,同年步上红毯。没过几年,这段梦幻婚姻就不断传出变奏之音,十年下来,两人貌合神离的新闻也是不断。可以说,好莱坞各界人士对婚姻的懂憬,都在汤姆与妮可分手后,被活生生打得支离破碎,继2000年哈里森·福特外遇、梅格·瑞恩婚变之后,又一桩叫影迷心碎的“不可能的任务”发生!这也难怪,一个是“世界上最性感的男人”,再加上“澳洲红发美人”和“西班牙小妖精”,这仨搅和到一起,一时间闹哄哄你方唱罢我登场,不拼个鱼死网破那才叫怪!这不,经绯闻专家八卦王深入琢磨钻研,发现整桩事件兼具悲情、惊悚、悬疑、刺激、黑色幽默乃至男欢女爱等诸多卖座元素,其情节之离奇曲折,足以为好莱坞提供又一绝佳素材。 For Hollywood, the most explosive last year’s most sensational sex scandal, than the film’s top handsome Tom Cruise and Australian actress Nicole Kidman’s divorce case. Hollywood’s most beautiful one is like a beautiful happy princess and princess fairy tale, but painted on Valentine’s Day before the stain, which led to rupture of the relationship between the two, it is with Tom Cruise in the new movie “vanilla sky” has a wonderful opponents play Spanish “trouble” beauty Penelope Cruz. Tom and Nicole became acquainted when they performed the movie “Thunderboy” in 1990, and went on the red carpet the same year. A few years later, this fantastic marriage continues to spread the sound of change. In a decade, the news of both faces disappeared. It can be said that all walks of life in Hollywood understand the marriage, both in the break up with Tom and Nicole, was alive and play fragmented, following 2000 Harrison Ford affair, Meg Ryan wedding after another, It’s no wonder that one of the “sexiest men in the world,” plus the “Australian Redhead Beauty,” and “Spanish Leprechaun,” come together, and for a time roar This is not the gossip king Gossip King in-depth study, found that the whole pile of events both sadness, horror, suspense, excitement, black humor and even the love of men and women, etc. Many selling elements, the plot of the bizarre twists and turns, enough to provide Hollywood another great material.
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