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目的了解北京城区社区医生对慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)的认知水平及目前社区管理状况。方法在COPD专家指导下制定COPD调查问卷,从北京社区卫生协会2010年1月—6月举办的继续教育学习班中随机抽取4次,对参加学习班的865位社区医师进行问卷调查。调查内容包括:COPD的认知水平,治疗药物的了解情况,稳定期教育、管理的认知情况,是否愿意、是否能够在社区卫生服务机构管理COPD患者,对COPD专业知识培训及社区卫生服务机构改进的期望。结果 865位社区医师中72.9%认为非常有必要将COPD列入社区慢病管理,54.6%社区医师认为社区卫生服务机构可以管理好COPD患者,55.8%社区医师没有参加过COPD专业知识培训。34%~40%的社区医师知道COPD的疾病实质,23%的社区医师了角COPD的病情严重程度分级标准。仅有74位(8.6%)的社区医师认为自己熟悉了解目前常用的吸入剂并掌握使用方法。80%社区医师认为稳定期需要长期坚持治疗,但是76.1%社区医师认为由于不清楚COPD稳定期治疗方案,不能给患者提供规范治疗;70%以上的社区医师知道应该对COPD患者进行健康教育,懂得戒烟、营养状况和心理疏导对COPD患者康复的重要性,但仅有40%的社区医师对患者进行健康教育。结论大部分社区医师了解COPD患者稳定期管理的重要性,也愿意加强COPD患者的社区管理,但由于专业知识的欠缺、人力不足等原因,目前还不能很好地开展COPD患者社区管理工作。急需提高社区医生对COPD的认知和管理水平。 Objective To understand the cognitive level of community doctors in Beijing urban area for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and the status of community management. Methods A COPD questionnaire was drawn up under the guidance of COPD experts. Four questionnaires were randomly selected from the Continuing Education Classes held by Beijing Community Health Association from January to June 2010, and 865 community doctors participating in the study classes were surveyed. The survey included: cognitive level of COPD, understanding of therapeutic drugs, steady-state education, management of cognitive status, willingness to be able to manage COPD patients in community health service institutions, training of COPD expertise and community health service agencies Improved expectations. Results 72.9% of 865 community doctors thought it was necessary to include COPD in community chronic disease management, 54.6% community physicians thought community health service could manage COPD patients and 55.8% community physicians did not participate in COPD professional knowledge training. 34% to 40% of community physicians know the nature of the disease in COPD, and 23% of community physicians point out the severity of COPD grading standards. Only 74 (8.6%) community physicians thought they were familiar with current inhalers and how to use them. 80% of community physicians believe that stable patients need long-term adherence to treatment, but 76.1% of community doctors believe that due to unclear COPD stable treatment programs, can not provide patients with standardized treatment; 70% of community physicians know COPD patients should be health education, know Smoking cessation, nutritional status and psychological counseling were important for the recovery of COPD patients, but only 40% of community physicians performed health education on patients. Conclusion Most community physicians understand the importance of stable management of patients with COPD and are willing to strengthen the community management of patients with COPD. However, due to lack of professional knowledge and manpower, most community doctors are not yet able to carry out community management in patients with COPD. There is an urgent need to raise community doctors’ awareness and management of COPD.