
来源 :青少年日记(小学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jjxjt
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7月12日晴上海,一个中国最大的金融之都,中国沿海最大的城市,这颗镶嵌在东方大地上的明珠,不同的人有不同的印象。和小伙伴们参加夏令营,也来到了上海,留下了些许印象。在那里,早、中、晚都各有特色。上海的早上,太阳还未升起时,就已经有人在大街上匆匆行走,有车在公路上飞驰。到七,八点时,旅 July 12 Clear Shanghai, the largest financial capital of China and the largest coastal city in China, is a pearl embedded in the earth of the East. Different people have different visions. And my friends to attend summer camp, also came to Shanghai, leaving a little impression. There, early, middle and late have their own characteristics. Shanghai morning, the sun has not yet risen, someone has been hurriedly walking in the street, a car speeding on the highway. By seven or eight o’clock, the brigade
班主任在学校德育工作的开展中有着关键的作用。班主任应积极探索教育方法、方式,坚持爱心教育,打开学生心扉,提高德育工作的实效性。 Class teacher in the school moral e
本文提出从细微处入手,找准文章的突破口,指导学生高效阅读、深入探究的语文课堂教学策略。 This article proposes to start from the subtleties, identify the breakthro
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本文基于新课改的任务要求,论述了在语文课堂教学中以学生为主体,注重语文课程的实践性,守住语文教学的工具性,认真审视语文教学的人文性的教学策略。 Based on the task re
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