解读日本海上自卫队泄密主角 初雪级多用途驱逐舰

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2月23日,日本各大媒体纷纷报道了一条重大新闻:日本海上自卫队最机密的资料竟然上了因特网,可以免费自由下载。一时之间,日本国内哗然。防卫厅上下焦头烂额。首相小泉纯一郎在当天下午,紧急召见主持防卫厅工作的次官守屋武昌,要他立即严查此事,并对日本自卫队的秘密情报体制进行彻底整顿。 February 23, Japan's major media have reported a big news: Japan's Maritime Self Defense Force most confidential information even on the Internet, free and free to download. Suddenly, there was an uproar in Japan. Defense Agency burnt up and down. In the afternoon of the same day, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi summoned an emergency official Wuchang, the next official official who presided over the work of the Defense Agency, to investigate this matter immediately and thoroughly rectify the secret intelligence system of Japan's Self-Defense Forces.
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