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非营利性机构“iearth爱地球”发布的一项《中国9城市儿童食品添加剂摄入情况调查报告》显示:有九种孩子常吃的零食含添加剂最多。报告指出,1/10的儿童每天食用含添加剂零食3次以上,6%的儿童每天饮用饮料超过3瓶(不包括矿泉水和自制茶水)。在夏天,每天吃冰激凌的儿童更是高达26%。该调查还对33个类别的489种食品的配料表及所含食品添加剂进行了取样统计。其中方便面、乳饮料、薯片、冰激凌、饼干等食品所含的添加剂最多。五岁女孩被宣布为肝癌晚期,医生忠告9种 Non-profit organization “Earth Love Earth ” released a “China 9 cities children’s food additives intake survey” shows: nine children eat snacks with the most additives. The report states that 1 in 10 children consumed more than 3 snacks with additives daily, and 6% of children consumed more than 3 bottles of drink per day (excluding mineral water and homemade tea). In summer, children who eat ice cream every day are even as high as 26%. The survey also sampled the ingredients list for the 489 foods in 33 categories and the food additives included. Including instant noodles, milk drinks, chips, ice cream, biscuits and other foods contained the most additives. Five-year-old girl was declared late liver cancer, the doctor advices 9 kinds
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The poor quality of crude oil obviously leads to high sulfur contents of oil products,and the technology for desulfurization of crude oil is urgently needed so
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看到这个题目,你一定感到很奇怪吧!我怎么会有三个爸爸呢?嘿嘿,别急,仔细往下看,你就明白了。  患“妻管严”的大爸爸  大爸爸是一个典型的“妻管严”患者。别不信,来到我们家,你会看到这样一幅画面:一个男人系着围裙,忙得不亦乐乎,而一个女人则坐在沙发上发号施令。那个男人就是大爸爸,而那个女人就是我老妈。大爸爸在老妈的“领导”下,那是服服帖帖、惟命是从。现在,经过老妈精心调教的大爸爸,十八般家务活是样
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