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目的回顾中国胃肠影象学50年发展的历史.方法 1949-10/1999-10,中国在胃肠影象设备和成象技术的发展概况、中华放射学杂志(《中放》)上发表胃肠影象学论著数量和分布年代情况、国内公开出版的胃肠影象学专著数量和种类、在胃肠影象学方面获得的卫生部和国家科技进步奖等方面,进行回顾复习.结果在此50年中,胃肠影象设备从20世纪50年代的200mA的普通 X 线机发展到90年代计算机摄影(CR)或直接摄影(DR)X 线机.胃肠影象成象技术从20世纪50年代普通 X 线成象发展到90年代的数字成象、电子计算机体层摄影(CT)和磁共振(MR)仿真内镜成象技术.《中放》共发表胃肠影象学论著211篇,占《中放》全部论著的8.43%.50年代《中放》发表的论著,着重常见疾病平片诊断和胃肠单对比造影表现的描述;90年代《中放》发表的论著,着重胃肠成象新技术(CT,MR,CR 或 DR)的应用和综合应用和介入放射学的广泛应用.出版胃肠影象学专著12种,从50年代陈祯琳编写的《胃肠 X 线检查诊断图谱》到90年代榭敬霞主编《消化道疾病的影象诊断图谱》.与胃肠影象学内容有关的卫生部和国家科技进步奖3项.70年代陈根芬等《“华山2000型”、“医工78型”-X 线双重造影硫酸钡剂研究》获得国家发明三等奖;到90年代尚克中等《胃肠道双对比造影(DC)的实验及应用系列研究》获得卫生部科技进步三等奖.结论中国胃肠影象学50年来在紧跟世界胃肠影象学发展的同时,开创了具有中国特色的胃肠影象学发展和研究道路. Objective To review the history of the development of gastrointestinal imaging in China for 50 years.Methods 1949-10 / 1999-10, published in the development of gastrointestinal imaging equipment and imaging technology in China, published by the Chinese Journal of Radiology (“中 放”) The number and distribution of gastrointestinal images on the number of years and the situation, the number of domestic published gastrointestinal imaging monographs and types, in the gastrointestinal imaging aspects of the Ministry of Health and the National Science and Technology Progress Award reviews review results. During these 50 years, gastrointestinal imaging equipment has evolved from a 200-mA conventional X-ray machine in the 1950s to a computerized (CR) or direct radiography (X-ray) machine in the 1990’s. The development of digital imaging, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) simulation of endoscopic imaging in the 1950s from the development of common X-ray imaging in the 1990s. 211 articles, accounting for 8.43% of all articles published in “China Fang Fang” .In the 1950s, “China Fang” published a treatise, focusing on the diagnosis of common diseases and single gastrointestinal contrast imaging performance description; 90 years, “China Fang” published in the works , Focusing on the application of gastrointestinal imaging of new technologies (CT, MR, CR or DR) and integrated applications Interventional radiology is widely used. 12 kinds of gastrointestinal imaging monographs were published, from “diagnostic chart of gastrointestinal X-ray examination” written by Chen Zhenlin in the 1950s to “the diagnostic imaging of digestive tract diseases” edited by Dr. Jing in the 90’s. Ministry of Health and the National Science and Technology Progress Award and gastrointestinal imaging content related to the three items. 70 ’s Chen Genfen “Huashan 2000”, “Medical 78” - “double X-ray contrast barium sulfate research” Won the Third Prize of National Invention, and won the Third Prize of Scientific and Technological Progress of the Ministry of Health by the mid-1990s “Shank Concord Series of Experiments and Applications of Gastrointestinal Dual Contrast Imaging (DC).” Conclusion China Gastrointestinal Imaging Along with the development of gastrointestinal imaging in the world, we started the development and research of gastrointestinal imaging with Chinese characteristics.
乙型肝炎(HB)已成为我国危害最大的社会公共卫生问题.近年来,我们在分析、研究国内外有关病毒性肝炎文献后选择了以 HB 患者肝组织活检观察为主的研究方法,从肝组织学随访中
目的环氧合酶-2与肿瘤发生的关系已成为肿瘤研究的新热点之一,本研究旨在获得 hCOX-2编码基因序列,构建其正、反义真核表达载体,并用反义重组载体转染 COX-2高表达的胃癌细胞
对收治的13例肝脏未分化胚胎肉瘤患者采取手术切除肿瘤,术后7例行肝动脉化疗栓塞术治疗,其中1例术后行静脉化学治疗(5-FU+ VP-16+顺铂)、伽马刀治疗及3次B超引导下瘤内注射无
目的 食管鳞状细胞癌有明显的地域性差异,它的发生与遗传、环境、饮食和某些微生物的感染有密切的关系,本研究通过检测食管鳞状细胞癌和相应正常食管组织中HPV-11型和HPV-16
目的 总结经肛门腔镜切割缝合器行直肠前突修补术围术期的护理经验.方法 对27例重度直肠前突患者,术前配合医生进行手术指征评估,完善术前检查,做好心理护理及肠道准备.术后