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  “The woods were dark and so quiet. Occasionally a bird would flutter or sing in the trees, and when their path ran near the stream, they could hear it moving, swiftly, over the rocks and tiny waterfalls.”
  Those words were penned by critically acclaimed author Truman Capote, when he was a 15 year-old student at Greenwich High School. They appeared in the Green Witch, and clearly evidenced an already strong literary talent.
  Tonight we celebrate our connection to this unique individual by hosting the Greenwich Historical Society 1)Black and White Ball, inspired by Truman Capote and his masked Ball of 1966.
  Truman Capote: And the reason we made it a masked dance was simply because, well, it went with the black and white idea, the domino black and white idea, but the thing is mainly in a masked ball, you see, for the first hours of it, before the unmasking, anybody can dance with anybody they want to or talk to anybody they want to. It’s a completely free thing. By the time the unmaskings come, you’ve made a lot of new friends, (laughs) and that was the point.
  Truman Capote’s Other Voices, Other Rooms, his first novel, was met with critical success, but it was Breakfast at Tiffany’s which introduced the irrepressible Holly Golightly.
  (A Promo Clip of Breakfast at Tiffany’s) Audrey Hepburn: Won’t you join me?
  Voiceover: Yes, join Audrey Hepburn as you’ve never seen her before, kicking over the traces and bringing to life Truman Capote’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
  It was the book that followed that created a new literary genre and catapulted him to fame. In Cold Blood was a 2)painstakingly researched and chilling account of the 1959 3)slaying of a Kansas farm family and the capture, trial and execution of their two killers. Truman’s unique approach told the story from the point of view of the murderers.

  画外音:没错,跟着奥黛丽·赫本一起,领略她全新的一面,她的放荡不羁,以及她如何将杜鲁门·卡波特的《蒂凡尼的早餐》鲜活地呈现在银幕之上。   真正使卡波特声名大噪的是他接下来的一本书,它还开创了一种新的文学体裁。《冷血》一书对1959年堪萨斯州的一起农场灭门血案,包括对两名凶手的抓捕、审判和行刑过程作了详尽的调查和紧张刺激的记述。卡波特采取了独树一帜的手法,从凶手的视角来讲述这个故事。
  Capote: I always had this idea of writing a reportage using all the fictional techniques. They say, “well, it’s been done before.” I say it hasn’t been done before and nobody has, convincingly, shown me an example.
  The book earned him mountains of publicity and millions of dollars. He 4)assiduously pursued personal publicity, and his journey to celebrity meant cultivating scores of famous friends and New York socialites. Partly to celebrate the success of In Cold Blood, and to honour his friend Katherine Graham, the publisher of the Washington Post, Capote threw the party of the century. His Black and White Ball represented a 5)pivotal moment in social history. It was a window into a bright and 6)beckoning world.
  Charles Kuralt (Reporter from CBS News): The party of the year was thrown overhand by author Truman Capote. Using some of the profits he made from a book about murder in Kansas, he rented the ballroom of the Plaza Hotel and invited 500 people. The guest list established a standard for future party-givers in the new society of success. We have only a partial list of the people who were not invited. Everyone was asked to wear a mask, most of which were cleverly designed to reveal the wearer’s true identity.
  Truman Capote died in 1984 at the age of 59. As history would have it, his Black and White Ball would be remembered as “the party of the century,” and In Cold Blood would establish a new literary genre, the non-fiction novel.
  Tonight we celebrate the author, this complex, colourful and talented man, whose unique literary contributions are now part of the American experience.

  查尔斯·库拉尔特( CBS新闻记者):今年最盛大的派对由作家杜鲁门·卡波特高调举办。他用他所写的一本关于堪萨斯州谋杀案的书获得的部分收入租下了广场饭店的舞厅,并邀请了500位宾客参加。这份客人名单为后来进入成功者社交圈的派对举办者树立了标准。我们只知道部分未获邀者的名单。每个人都被要求戴上面具,大多数的面具设计巧妙,透露着戴面具者的真实身份。
马赛是一座有着两千多年历史的古老城市,它处在法国南部,地中海沿岸和山丘间,蔚蓝的海,诱人的橄榄树养育着一代代马赛人。这里是法国最大的海港,亦为地中海地区的重要港口。法国的国歌《马赛曲》诞生于此,这是世界上惟一一首以本国城市名称命名的国歌。它以其独特的文化传统,成为2013年“欧洲文化之都”。  This is a special trip for me. I’m a huge fan of the
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Reporter: Ahmed Awadallah, from the US, but he is an Egyptian national, and he’s got a terrific story. He’s one of the delegates here. Ahmed, thank you very much for joining us.  Ahmed: Thank you for