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一粒种子被风吹落大地,它终日与满地污泥作伴,嗅着难闻的腐叶味道,心中充满着抗争的情绪。种子想,我是一粒会开出世上最美花朵的种子,怎么能跟这些肮脏污秽的事物呆在一起呢?种子想起了它曾在一棵大树上短暂停留的日子,在那里,它在一 A seed was blown to the ground by the wind, it is companion all day long with the mud, smelling the bad rotten leaf flavor, the heart full of emotions of resistance. How can I stay with these dirty and filthy things when I think I’m a seed that will open the most beautiful flower in the world? The seed remembers the day it had been a short stay in a big tree, where it In a
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“爸爸,我们学校成立了一个乐队,我想去参加,学校还说乐器要自己带。”父亲盯了儿子半天,递过一根竹子:“孩子,咱家穷,你 ”Dad, we set up a band in the school, I want
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