第二批党员先进性教育活动开展以来,华亭县各级党组织认真贯彻落实中央和省、市委的一系列指示精神,严格按照中央“四句话”目标要求,立足县情,突出重点,分类指导,整体推进, 切实将先进性教育活动与推动县域经济社会发展相结合,使先进性教育活动收到了实实在在的效果,有力推动了县域经济和社会事业的健康、快速、协调发展,做到了两不误、两推动、两促进。
Since the launch of the second batch of party members’ advanced nature education activities, the party organizations at all levels in Huating County have conscientiously implemented a series of directives of the Central Government, provincial and municipal committees, strictly followed the requirements of the Central Committee’s “Four Sentences”, set foot in the county situation, Guide and push forward the whole and effectively combine advanced education activities with the promotion of economic and social development in the county area so as to bring about tangible results in the education for advanced nature and effectively promote the healthy, rapid and coordinated development of economy and social undertakings in the county. Two correct, two promote, two promote.