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老年人讲究正确的站立姿势,不是为了美观和长成挺拔的身材,而是为了维持各个组织器官的生理功能,保证身体健康,防止发生疾病。人到一定年龄,身体各个器官都会发生萎缩退化、功能降低。骨骼、肌肉、韧带也会变得松弛无力,容易形成老年性畸形。如果站立和行走时不挺起胸,胸腔受到挤压就会缩小,肺活量就会降低,不仅容易形成驼背和弯腰,还会因吸进的空气不够而发生心慌气短。长期缺氧会引起心脏病和肺 Elderly people pay attention to the correct standing posture, not for beauty and the formation of tall and straight body, but in order to maintain the physiological functions of various tissues and organs, to ensure good health and prevent disease. To a certain age, various organs of the body will shrink and degrade, and their functions will be lowered. Bones, muscles, ligaments will become loose and weak, easy to form senile deformities. If standing and walking do not stand the chest, the chest will be squeezed will be reduced, reduced lung capacity, not only prone to the formation of humpback and bending over, but also because of inhaled air is not enough and palpitation shortness of breath. Long-term hypoxia can cause heart disease and lungs
摘 要: 涉外与商贸是中国独立学院主要的专业特征。在涉外与商贸领域,跨文化交际无处不在。本文通过展示中美两国的文化差异,来讨论独立学院在英语教学中文化教学的重要性与可行性,并就文化教学的内容与方法提出建议。  关键词: 独立学院 英语教学 文化教学 文化差异    1.前言  外语教学中,传统教学方法多偏重于语言知识教学而忽视了目的语的背景知识。这就产生了语言学习中的文化障碍,从而造成学生对目的语
The tunable ridge waveguide distributed Brag g reflector (DBR) lasers grown by selective area growth and designed for WDM communication systems at 1.55 μm is r
The simultaneous operation for the Q- switched Nd: YAG laser at 1.06 and the tunable color-center laser over 1.12~1.26 μm has been realized by using a LiF: F2-
摘 要:本文主要是针对畜牧养殖业发展中,可能对生态环境产生的一些负面影响进行详细的分析,提出了更加科学的如何选择基地、加强对生态环境进行保护的宣传强度,以及提出更加完善的相关养殖配套设施等方式,在实际行动中改善畜牧养殖业发展对生态环境造成的不利影响,为我国生态环境的相好变化以及可持续发展夯实了基础。  关键词:畜牧业;生态环境;影响  畜牧养殖业逐渐发展成为我国农村农业经济发展的一个重要方向,其主
摘 要:畜禽规模养殖场的扩大在带来巨大经济效益的同时,也带来了很多污染问题。文章研究分析中在总结畜禽规模养殖污染现状基础上,提出了集中污染防治技术,希望为养殖污染防治提供参考。  关键词:规模养殖;污染防治;粪便处理  我国畜禽规模养殖始终存在管理粗放的问题,对饲养技术高度重视,但是轻视治理,在环境污染防治方面,无论是环保审批手续还是污染防治技术都存在诸多不足,对当地环境造成重大影响,同时也开始影
摘 要:农作物病虫害问题一直是影响农作物健康生长的大问题,多年来一直制约着我国农业的发展。作为农业工作者,进行农作物病虫害纺织技术的探索是工作的重中之重,本文就自己农业多年工作经验,对病虫害的防治技术的种类进行分析,然后就我国农作物病虫害中存在的问题进行阐述,并针对这些问题提出了农作物病虫害的防治措施。希望能为我国农业的发展做出自己的一份贡献。  关键词:农作物;病虫害;防治技术  一、我国农作物
In this paper, a Q-switched intracavity frequency doubling Cr: LiSAF laser is reported. The relation of laser output behaviors with input energy was studied exp
In this paper, a successful application of line-structured laser sensor, involved in SMIC chip lead coplanarity measurement, is presented. With the experimental
A new method is proposed to analyze and calculate the jitters in a modelocked solid-state laser with chirp. A set of motion equations for amplitude, inverse pul