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1973年在湖北发现了一株不育水稻,它在长日照条件下不育,在短日照下则可育。经鉴定,它的不育性是受一对对光照长度敏感的隐性雄性不育主基因控制,是在植物界首次被发现,是生理遗传的典型例子;用于理论研究有很大的科学价值,作为杂种优势利用,可以在短日照下自交繁殖,在长日照下杂交制种,一般粳稻品种都可以作为父本使用,杂种一代在任何生长季节下都能发挥其增产作用。这株水稻被命名为“湖北光感核不育水稻”,这个对光照长度敏感的隐性雄性不育基因被命名为msh。 In 1973, a sterile rice was found in Hubei Province. It was sterile under long-day conditions and fertile under short-day conditions. It has been identified that its sterility is controlled by a pair of recessive male sterility major genes that are sensitive to light length and was first discovered in the plant kingdom and is a typical example of physiological inheritance. There is a great deal of science for theoretical research Value, which is used as a heterosis, can self-propagate under short-day sunshine and cross-pollinate under long-day sunshine. Generally, all japonica rice varieties can be used as paternal parents, and the hybrid generation can exert its stimulation effect under any growing season. This strain of rice was named “Hubei Light Sensitive Genic Male Sterile Rice,” and this light-sensitive, recessive, male-sterile gene was named msh.
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