中华人民共和国交通部令 汽车客运站管理规定

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《汽车客运站管理规定》,已于1995年4月22日经第6次部长办公会议通过,现予发布,自发布之日起施行。部长黄镇东1995年5月9日第一章总则第一条为加强汽车客运站管理,建立正常的汽车运输市场秩序,保障旅客和客运经营者的合法权益,根据国家有关规定,制定本规定。第二条本规定适用于经营汽车客运站的单位和个人及进站经营的客运车辆。第三条汽车客运站是指下列以场地设施为基础,组织旅客集散并提供服务的经营单位。(一)符合交通部《汽车客运站级别划分和建设要求》规定的等级汽车客运站;(二)以停车场为依托具有集散旅客、售票、停发车功能的简易汽车站。(三)单独设置的汽车客运代办站点。第四条汽车客运站必须贯彻执行党和国家的方针、政策、法令,服从当地交通主管部门的行业管理,接受交通主管部门的指导和检查监督。第五条汽车客运站必须遵循“旅客至上、服务第一”的宗旨,加强物质文明和精神文明建设,提供安全、及时,方便、舒适的服务。 The “Administrative Regulations on Bus Terminals” was approved by the 6th ministerial office meeting on April 22, 1995 and is hereby promulgated and will be implemented as of the date of promulgation. Minister Huang Zhendong, May 9, 1995 Chapter 1 General Provisions Article 1 These regulations are formulated in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State to strengthen the management of automobile passenger stations, establish a normal order for the automobile transportation market, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of passengers and passenger operators. Article 2 This regulation applies to units and individuals operating bus passenger stations and passenger vehicles entering the station. Article 3 The bus passenger stations refer to the following business units based on site facilities to organize passengers to distribute and provide services. (1) A grade passenger bus station that meets the requirements of the “Classification and Construction Requirements for Bus Terminals” of the Ministry of Communications; and (b) A simple bus station with the functions of collecting and selling passengers, selling tickets, and stopping buses based on parking lots. (C) Separately set up passenger transport agency sites. Article 4 The bus terminal must implement the principles, policies, and decrees of the Party and the state, obey the industrial management of the local transportation authority, and accept the guidance and inspection supervision of the competent transportation department. Article 5 The bus terminal must follow the tenet of “passenger first and service first” to strengthen the construction of material civilization and spiritual civilization and provide safe, timely, convenient and comfortable services.
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