对右侧肢体无力误诊颈椎病1例分析如下。1病历摘要男,76岁。主因双下肢无力2 a,右侧肢体加重10 d余住院,患者既往否认高血压病、糖尿病、心脏病病史,2 a前因双下肢无力以右侧为显著,曾于北京某医院就诊,查颈部MRI:颈5~6间盘后膨出伴髓内T2高信号,考虑颈椎病。但患者近10d余右侧
On the right limb inaccurate misdiagnosis of cervical spondylosis 1 case as follows. 1 medical record summary male, 76 years old. The main reason for the weakness of the lower extremities 2 a, right limb heavier 10 d more than hospitalization, patients with previous denied hypertension, diabetes, heart disease history, 2 a before due to weakness of the lower extremities to the right as significant, had a hospital in Beijing, check Neck MRI: Neck 5 ~ 6 after bulging with intramedullary T2 high signal, consider cervical spondylosis. But the patient nearly 10d remaining right