The Two Urban Planning Efforts of Shantou in the City Hall Era of the Republic of China

来源 :China City Planning Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunashelly
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This paper discusses Shantou’s two urban planning efforts in the City Hall era of the Republic of China, revealing how the two efforts help Shantou to become a modern city by analyzing the planning processes including data collection, planning analysis, functional zoning, road system design, and old city redevelopment. As pioneers of urban planning practice, the city executives and technical experts of Shantou set a goal to build the city into a “perfect region” and “Garden City,” aiming to create a precedent for “civil city development.” Based on institutional construction and the introduction of European and American urban planning theories and experience, the rebirth of Shantou City with business characteristics had been gradually achieved by modifying and improving its city plans. This paper discusses Shantou’s two urban planning efforts in the City Hall era of the Republic of China, revealing how the two efforts help analyzing the planning processes including data collection, planning analysis, functional zoning, road system design, As early as urban redevelopment. As pioneers of urban planning practice, the city executives and technical experts of Shantou set a goal to build the city into a “perfect region” and “Garden City,” aiming to create a precedent for “civil city development. ” Based on institutional construction and the introduction of European and American urban planning theories and experience, the rebirth of Shantou City with business characteristics had been gradually achieved by modifying and improving its city plans.
据说,美军研制出一种能够“看清”远处目标的炮弹,被称为“侦察炮弹”。  这种侦察装置重不到1千克,长15厘米。它可以用迫击炮发射到空中。到达目标区上空后,侦察装置打开一个降落伞,缓缓地落到地面。它在坠地前可以拍摄四五张数字照片,然后传回地面部队装备的笔记本电脑中。在落地的一刹那,自毁装置将其销毁,以防落入敌人手里。  “侦察炮弹”在地面战斗中非常实用。在小规模的战斗中,由于受到地形的限制,如建筑物
中国邮政商函专业正在全面开展BIU建设。什么是BIU?BIU是否对商函业务有帮助?如果有帮助,投资期有多长,又有多少收益呢?这些都是中国邮政关心的问题。 China postal letter
摘 要:以2007—2012年度A股非金融类上市公司为研究对象,按照非效率投资形成的内在机理进行分类,研究了最终控制权、公司治理对投资效率的影响。研究结果表明,公司治理能够抑制我国上市公司的非效率投资。其中,国有企业的公司治理对过度投资作用明显,对投资不足的作用不明显;而其它企业则刚好相反。   关键词:最终控制权;公司治理;非效率投资  一、引言  有效的投资成为未来现金流增长的重要基础,是企