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任小妍终于低声抽泣起来,她那张近乎无瑕的脸因为有了滑落的泪珠,变得那般让人不忍。她抬起手,匆匆抹了下眼泪,继续说道:“我从摩天轮上下来,就再也看不到了爸爸和妈妈,大大的游乐场里站满了人,可是……可是没有一个是我所熟悉的面孔,我被整个世界遗弃了……” Ren Xiaoyan finally sobbed softly, her almost flawless face because of the tears falling, become so unbearable. She raised her hand and hurriedly wiped her tears and continued: “I did not see my father and mother anymore when I came out of the Ferris wheel, and the big playground stood full of people, but ... none of them was I am familiar face, I was abandoned by the entire world ... ”
一、开放式地理课程是初中地理课标的要求开放式课程是课标的要求 ,也是基础教育的发展要求。多年来的地理高考试题密切联系生活、联系热点 ,综合考试考查考生跨学科的知识与
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