把握机遇 增产增效

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今年以来,在党的十四大精神鼓舞下,吴江市属丝绸企业同全国一样,出现了前所未有的大好形势,市场活跃,消费旺盛,干部职工情绪高涨,经济发展迅猛。同时,在长期的计划经济向市场经济转换过程中,经济得到高速的发展,但也带来了原材料紧张,价格上扬,流动资金周转困难,给增产增效带来了不利影响。但是,我们在各级党委、政府的正确领导下,依靠广大干部职工以提高经济效益为目的,审时度势,冷静分 Since the beginning of this year, under the encouragement of the Party’s 14th National Congress, silk enterprises in Wujiang City, like the entire country, have witnessed an unprecedented and favorable situation. The market is active, consumption is booming, the sentiments of cadres and workers are high, and the economy is developing rapidly. At the same time, during the long-term transition from a planned economy to a market economy, the economy has experienced rapid development. However, it has also brought about raw material shortages, rising prices, and difficulties in liquidity, which have adversely affected the increase in production and efficiency. However, under the correct leadership of the party committees and governments at all levels, we rely on a large number of cadres and workers to improve economic efficiency for the purpose of reviewing the situation and calming the points.
据弗罗斯特·沙利文市场研究公司报导,欧洲眼科激光市场可能从1992年的0.19亿美元上升到1997年的0.54亿美元以上(见表),增 1990~1996年西欧眼科激光系统市场(百万美元) Acco
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,飞 1W- …~.-一’·二;、二二””航天部领导在澳星发射现场 , fly 1W-...~.-
Dan Martin是个杰出的企业家。1986年他创建了激光二极管产品公司,四年后又把该公司卖给激光二极管公司,这是Morgan Grucible独自拥有的一家子公司。Martin现年41岁, Dan M
同志们: 想补充强调两个问题。首先是热协应该为提高热处理企业的技术经济水平而努力。为此,热处理专业厂、协作厂点、工艺装备和工艺材料制造厂都应该朝着生产的经济规模努