一、价值工程的概述 1.价值工程的发展价值工程(Valuc Engineering)简称VE,起源于美国。在第二次大战期间,军工生产迅速发展,市场原料供不应求,给企业生产造成很大的困难。美国通用电气公司,派工程师麦尔斯(L.D.Miles)当采购员,解决原料不足问题。在多年的实践工作中麦尔斯总结出:如果在购买某些原料和产
I. Overview of Value Engineering 1. Value Engineering (Vauc Engineering) The abbreviation VE, originated in the United States. During the Second World War, the rapid development of military production and the shortage of raw materials in the market caused great difficulties for the production of enterprises. General Electric Company of America dispatched engineer L.D. Miles as buyer to solve the shortage of raw materials. In his many years of practical work, Miles concluded that if some raw materials and products are purchased