飘逸的小辫,绣有“必胜”二字的队长袖标,精致的手镯—这曾是罗伯特·巴乔这位足坛天皇巨星的醒目标志。时过境迁,队长袖标随着1995年巴乔从尤文图斯的衣袖远去而尘埃落地,“三千烦恼丝”也于加盟博洛尼亚队后不久而一剑落情了,空留一只零丁的手镯在风中发出凄迷的絮语……难道,巴乔时代真的结束了吗? 我思忖着,踯躅着,载着记忆之船,去做一番心仪的旅行,去寻找那个刻骨铭心的名字—罗伯特·巴乔。记得初识巴乔时,是在1994年元月。那时电视里正播放足坛快讯,蓦地,一个潇洒的身影闪着天使般的灵光闯入了我的视线。
Elegant pigtail, embroidered with “win” two words captain armband, exquisite bracelets - This was Roberto Baggio this football superstar superstar’s eye-catching signs. The passage of time, captain armband Baggio with the sleeves away from Juventus in 1995 and the dust landing, “three thousand troubled wire” also joined the Bologna team soon after the fall of the sword, leaving a blank empty bracelet In the wind issued a quagmire of whispers ... ... Is it really Baggio era is over? I pondered, stomping, carrying a memory of the ship, to do some favorite travel, to find the unforgettable name - Robert Baggio. When I first recalled Baggio, I was in January 1994. At that time the television is playing football news, suddenly, a chic figure flashing angel-like light broke into my sight.