Using Literary Shanghai as a Method——The Reflection and Rebuilding of Relationship Between Shanghai

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Shanghaiology,originated in the 1980s,has attracted the public’s eyes by “Imaginary Shanghai” instead of “Realistic Shanghai”.Translate this into terms of literature and you get this:“Shanghai Literature” has been replaced by “Literary Shanghai”.Therefore,“Literary Shanghai” Shanghaiology, originated in the 1980s, has attracted the public’s eyes by “Imaginary Shanghai ” instead of “Realistic Shanghai ”. Translate this into terms of literature and you get this: “Shanghai Literature ” has been replaced by “Literary Shanghai”. Thus, “Literary Shanghai”
活动课教学是指以在教学过程中构建具有教育性、创造性、实践性的学生主题活动为主要形式 ,以激励学生主动参与、主动实践、主动思考、主动探索、主动创造为基本特征 ,以促进
一、科学发展观对北京交通发展的要求    (一)按照科学发展观要求,重点做好“三个统筹”  一要统筹交通与经济社会协调发展。从规划入手,将交通纳入城市总体规划和控制性详细规划及北京市国民经济和社会发展规划中,通过交通发展,积极引导城市空间布局调整,支持新城发展和产业布局的调整。实施交通影响评价制度,把交通基础设施的承载能力作为城市土地开发的重要约束条件;二要统筹城乡交通协调发展,推动城乡交通一体化
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