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根据主要外部形态,如尾柄上色素的分布和身体各部位的比例值,我们鉴定在东海区的舵鲣属(Auxis Cuvier 1829)鱼类的仔稚鱼有扁舵鲣(Auxis thazard)圆舵鲣(Auxis tapeinoso-ma)和一种目前还未定到种,暂定为舵鲣(Auxis sp.)三种。根据其性腺成熟度及仔稚鱼出现的时间来推断,在东海的产卵期为3—9月,盛期为7、8月。较南海区的产卵期迟一些。产卵范围在北纬 25°30′-32°00′,东经125°以西海区。舵鲣鱼类仔稚鱼在东海的分布面很广,但多靠近陆岸和岛屿附近,一般分布在东经125°以西海区,水深一般为60—100米。栖息海区水温一般为27—29℃盐度为38,00—34,00‰。仔鱼分布与台湾暖流和长江冲淡水有夫,一般在长江冲淡水水舌边缘或台湾暖流和冲淡水的交汇区。台湾暖流向北移动,仔鱼的分布区也相应北移。7月以前分布在北纬28°以南,月份分布在北纬28°以北。 According to the main external forms, such as the distribution of pigment on the caudal peduncle and the proportions of body parts, we identified Auxis thazard rudders as larvae of fish in the Auxis Cuvier 1829 in the East China Sea (Auxis tapeinoso-ma) and one that is not currently defined and tentatively named Auxis sp. According to its gonadal maturity and the appearance of larvae to infer that the spawning period in the East China Sea from March to September, the peak for July and August. More than the South China Sea spawning period later. Spawning range at latitude 25 ° 30’-32 ° 00 ’, east longitude 125 ° west sea area. Juveniles of rudderfish fish juveniles are widely distributed in the East China Sea, but mostly close to the land and the islands near the island, usually distributed in the west longitude 125 ° east of the sea, the general depth of 60-100 meters. Perch habitat sea water temperature is generally 27-29 ℃ salinity 38,00-34,00 ‰. The distribution of larvae is closely related to the warm currents in Taiwan and the Yangtze River flushing water, generally at the edge of the Yangtze River’s mouth for flushing fresh water or the crossing of warm and fresh water from Taiwan. Taiwan’s warm current moved northward, and the larvae ’s distribution area moved north accordingly. Before July it was distributed in the south of latitude 28 ° north and in the month of north 28 ° north latitude.
带鱼Trichiurus haumela(Forsk■l)广分布于渤海、黄海、东海和南海,种群较为复杂,国内外学者已进行过多次研究,但仍需进一步探讨。我们曾在研究中国沿海带鱼的耳石与鱼体相