An Analysis of the Motorcycle Industry during the Tenth-Five-Year-Plan Period

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1 Demand forecast of the motorcycle market It is forecasted that the market demand formotorcycle will be 12 million-13 million units by 2005. Within a certain period of time in the future, the demand for motorcycles will assume a wild increase. The market competition will shift from mere price war to the product quality, cost, varieties (especially the environmentally friendly ones), brand and after-sales service. Over the past decade, a good part of medium and big cities as well as coastal opening areas have 1 Demand forecast of the motorcycle market It is forecasted that the market demand formotorcycle will be 12 million-13 million units by 2005. Within certain period of time in the future, the demand for motorcycles will assume a wild increase. The market competition will shift from mere price war to the product quality, cost, varieties (especially the environmentally friendly ones), brand and after-sales service. Over the past decade, a good part of medium and big cities as well as coastal opening areas have
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