Analysis of Geological Background of Seismic Activity in the Chengdu Plain from Data of Seismic Pros

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cclone
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Summarizing the existing data of seismological and geological investigations and of strong and intermediate-strong earthquakes in the Sichuan basin and its adjacent areas accumulated by the seismological and petroleum organizations in Sichuan and of the results of seismic prospecting and detailed exploration in Chengdu depression during the last 20 years permitted us to study the types and distribution of hidden structures in Chengdu depression and its adjacent areas, in particular, to identify in detail the “hidden faults“ in the Chenngdu-Deyang area on the one hand; The obtained data indicate that the NE-trending Xinjin fault runs northward and dies out in the south of Penzhen town of Shuangliu County. Meanwhile, we studied genetic relations of seismic activity to active faults and their corresponding movement characteristics on the other hand. Moreover, the surface faults and deep-seated faults are clearly defined and outlined, and 5 types of seismogenic faults suggested. The knowledge thus obtained enables us to delimit the focal zones for potential strong earthquakes in Chengdu depression. The study suggests that a zone of 40 km wide and more than 100 km long on sides along the Chengdu-Deyang line has a stable seismogeological background and good engineering-seismological conditions. Summarizing the existing data of seismological and geological investigations and of strong and intermediate-strong earthquakes in the Sichuan basin and its adjacent areas accumulated by the seismological and petroleum organizations in Sichuan and of the results of seismic prospecting and detailed exploration in Chengdu depression during the last 20 years permitted us to study the types and distribution of hidden structures in Chengdu depression and its adjacent areas, in particular, to identify in detail the ”hidden faults " in the Chenngdu-Deyang area on the one hand; The obtained data indicate that the NE-trending Xinjin fault runs northward and dies out in the south of Penzhen town of Shuangliu County. Meanwhile, we studied genetic relations of seismic activity to active faults and their corresponding movement characteristics on the other hand. Moreover, the surface faults and deep -seated faults are clearly defined and outlined, and 5 types of seismogenic faults suggested. The kno wisdom has obtained sustain to toimim the focal zones for potential strong earthquakes in Chengdu depression. The study suggests that a zone of 40 km wide and more than 100 km long on sides along the Chengdu-Deyang line has a stable seismogeological background and good engineering -seismological conditions.
1990年,东方通信代工摩托罗拉手机产品,成为中国第一家引进移动电话生产线的厂商。1998年,东方通信推出第一部国产手机EC528,这是中国第一款通过欧洲FTA认证具有自主知识产权的手机。  之后波导、熊猫、科健、康佳等纷纷推出拥有自主知识产权的国产手机,而且波导也成为首个国内销量第一的国产手机品牌。  但是好景不长,随着外资品牌大举进入中国,国产手机品牌在质量和创新上的劣势尽显无疑,国产手机也彻
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