Robust structured total least squares algorithm for passive location

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fenfeixueer
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A new approach called the robust structured total least squares(RSTLS) algorithm is described for solving location inaccuracy caused by outliers in the single-observer passive location. It is built within the weighted structured total least squares(WSTLS)framework and improved based on the robust estimation theory.Moreover, the improved Danish weight function is proposed according to the robust extremal function of the WSTLS, so that the new algorithm can detect outliers based on residuals and reduce the weights of outliers automatically. Finally, the inverse iteration method is discussed to deal with the RSTLS problem. Simulations show that when outliers appear, the result of the proposed algorithm is still accurate and robust, whereas that of the conventional algorithms is distorted seriously. A new approach called the robust structured total least squares (RSTLS) algorithm is described for solving location inaccuracy caused by outliers in the single-observer passive location. It is built within the weighted structured total least squares (WSTLS) framework and improved based on the robust estimation theory. Moreover, the improved Danish weight function is proposed according to the robust extremal function of the WSTLS, so that the new algorithm can detect outliers based on residuals and reduce the weights of outliers automatically. Finally, the inverse iteration method is discussed to deal with the RSTLS problem. Simulations show that when outliers appear, the result of the proposed algorithm is still accurate and robust, yet that of the conventional algorithms is distorted seriously.
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摘要:本文试析中国学生学习英语倒装句造成语序偏误的成因,并从语言标记参数设置入手,对实   际语料进行了定性和定量分析。  关键词:标记系统 语序 误因     一、语言标记理论与原则——参数设置    语言标记理论(Markedness)最早是由布拉格学派的音位学家Trubetzkoy和Jakobson在20世纪30年代初提出的,主要用于对音系的描述。随着语言研究的纵深发展,标记理论应用范围拓展
一、我国民办高校计算机教育的现状     目前我国高校的计算机专业毕业生普遍存在实践能力较差的现象,适应不了所从事的工作岗位。因此,民办高校大学生纷纷把学习重心放在考取证书上,指望通过各种证书来证明自己的能力。证书确实是能力的一种证明,但并不是唯一的证明。随着我国计算机软件产业的迅速发展和软件人才缺口的持续增大,中国的计算机教育有着相当广阔的市场。但由于计算机技术的发展速度飞快,几年前还很热门的技