Precise Zero-Knowledge Arguments with Poly-logarithmic Efficiency

来源 :Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ruannengjie
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Precise zero-knowledge was introduced by Micali and Pass in STOC’06.This notion captures the idea that the view of a verifier can be reconstructed in almost same time.Following the notion,they constructed some precise zero-knowledge proofs and arguments,in which the communicated messages are polynomial bits.In this paper,we employ the new simulation technique introduced by them to provide a precise simulator for a modified Kilian’s zero-knowledge arguments with poly-logarithmic efficiency(this modification addressed by Rosen) ,and as a result we show this protocol is a precise zero-knowledge argument with poly-logarithmic efficiency.We also present an alternative construction of the desired protocols. Precise zero-knowledge was introduced by Micali and Pass in STOC ’06.This notion captures the idea that the view of a verifier can be reconstructed in almost same time. Popular the notion, they constructed some precise zero-knowledge proofs and arguments, in which the communications messages are polynomial bits. In this paper, we employ the new simulation technique introduced by them to provide a precise simulator for a modified Kilian’s zero-knowledge arguments with poly-logarithmic efficiency (this modification addressed by Rosen), and as a result we show this protocol is a precise zero-knowledge argument with poly-logarithmic efficiency. We also present an alternative construction of the desired protocols.
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