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有一天,龙虾与寄居蟹在深海中相遇,寄居蟹看见龙虾正把自己的硬壳脱掉,只露出娇嫩的身躯。寄居蟹非常紧张地说:“龙虾,你怎么可以把唯一保护自己身躯的硬壳也放弃呢?难道你不怕有大鱼一口把你吃掉吗?以你现在的情况来看,连急流也会把你冲到岩石去,到时你不死才怪呢?”龙虾气定神闲地回答:“谢谢你的关心,但是你不了解,我们龙虾每次成 One day, lobsters and hermit crabs met in the deep sea. Hermit crabs saw lobsters take off their hard shells and only exposed delicate bodies. The hermit crab was very nervous and said: ”How can you give up the hard shell that protects your body and lobster? Is it that you are not afraid to have you eaten by a big fish? From your current situation, even the rapids Will you rush to the rock, when you die? “The lobster calmly replied: ” Thank you for your concern, but you do not understand, we each time into the lobster
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在高考作文中,只有勇于创新才能在众多应试作文中脱颖而出,独秀于林,让阅卷老师在疲惫的阅卷中眼前一亮,从而获得青睐赢取高分。高考作文考纲在发展等级中明确提出作文要有创新,要求构思新巧,有个性色彩。  纵观近几年高考优秀作文,在文学体裁的创新方面可谓是异彩纷呈。有小说、戏剧、诗歌,有寓言、神话、采访录、日记、网络文体,还有仿古文言佳作等,都称得上是创造性表现的范例。  用剧本这一形式来演绎话题作文不失
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