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辽宁省盖县仰山磷矿是近年探明的一个沉积变质磷矿床,是辽宁省的重要磷矿产地之一。这个磷矿床的成因类型、储量规模、含磷品位大致与复县罗屯磷矿相同,赋存条件基本清楚。对目前严重缺磷而震旦系地层广布的华北、东北、地区来说、研究仰山磷矿的地质特征有着一定的实践意义。 Liaoning Province Gaoxian Yangshan phosphate rock is a sedimentary metamorphosed phosphate deposit in recent years, Liaoning Province is one of the important phosphate rock production. Genesis of the type of phosphate deposits, reserves scale, phosphorus grade is roughly the same with the Fuxing County, Luotun phosphate rock, basically the existence of conditions clearly. It is of practical significance to study the geological characteristics of Yangshan Phosphorus Mine in the northern, northeastern and northeastern regions where there is a serious lack of phosphorus and the Sinian strata are widespread.
5. 10 Inner LiningFor tubed tyres, the inner lining is a thinlayer of compound usually calendered direct onto the underside of the first ply after the latterha
冶金部合金结构钢科研攻关会议于八月十三日至十九日在齐齐哈尔钢厂召开。来自治全系统科研、生产等二十二个单位的五十八名代表参加了会议,在冶金部钢铁司特钢 Metallurgi
当前,国内外提高高速钢刀具的性能和使用寿命方法是:研制新型高速钢,如高钒、高钴、高碳高速钢;表面强化处理,如氮化、氧氮化、真空涂镀 TiC、TiN 等;选用最好的冷却润滑剂,
A joint effort between the Connecticut Department of Transportation and the University of Connecticut has been underway for more than 20 years to utilize variou
我厂制造和使用的小型字头(φ15×40、8×20×40毫米两种),用9SiCr制成,原在盐浴炉中加热淬火,硬度HRC62~64,使用寿命低 (仅50次)。使用条件是:被压零件硬度一般为HRC37~45,压