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放眼未来山西忻州地委书记刘增宝谈忻州发展●本刊特约记者薛光华张韬记者:刘书记,您好!历史条件的不同,发展环境的改变,传统配置资源的方式的变化,在现实与目标之间,存在着诱人而艰难的选择。我们认为,其中最关键的是发展思路、发展措施和发展战略。忻州地区的现... Looking to the future Shanxi Xinzhou Prefecture Party Secretary Liu Zengbao talked about the development of Xinzhou ● Our correspondent Xue Guanghua Zhang Tao Reporter: Liu Shuji, hello! Different historical conditions, changes in the development environment, changes in the traditional way of allocating resources, there are attractive and difficult choices between reality and goal. In our opinion, the most crucial of these is the development of ideas, development measures and development strategies. Xinzhou area now ...
各位来宾,各位同志: 正当全国上下学习贯彻党的六中全会精神的时候,中国扶贫基金会和新华社半月谈杂志社组织评选出了全国十大“扶贫状元”,并在这里举行颁奖会。我首先向新
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