
来源 :公路交通科技(应用技术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoxiao1946
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影响边坡稳定性的因素多而复杂,并且具有不确定性,再加上地震力的作用使得传统的安全系数法计算的安全系数具有不确定性。本文在传递系数法的基础上运用蒙特卡洛法对十堰-天水高速公路K223+560~K223+840段的高边坡在地震力作用下的稳定进行了可靠性分析,并通过传递系数法验证计算,论证了蒙特卡洛法分析地震力作用下边坡稳定的可行性。分析表明:地震力作用下影响边坡稳定的主要因素,抗剪强度参数c、φ值服从正态分布,地震加速度服从指数分布,前提是假定三者相互独立。选用不同地震加速度0,0.05,0.10,0.15分别进行大量的模拟计算,得出边坡的可靠性指标随着地震加速度的增大而减小,表明该段高边坡需采取防护措施。 The factors affecting the stability of slope are many and complex, and have uncertainties. Coupled with the effect of seismic force, the safety factor calculated by the traditional safety factor method is uncertain. Based on the transfer coefficient method, this paper uses Monte Carlo method to analyze the stability of high slope of K223 + 560 ~ K223 + 840 of Shiyan-Tianshui expressway under the action of earthquake force and verifies by the transfer coefficient method The feasibility and feasibility of using Monte Carlo method to analyze the stability of slope under the action of seismic force are calculated and demonstrated. The analysis shows that the main factors influencing the slope stability under seismic force are that the shear strength parameters c and φ obey the normal distribution and the seismic acceleration obeys the exponential distribution, assuming that the three are independent of each other. A large number of simulation calculations are carried out using different earthquake accelerations of 0, 0.05, 0.10 and 0.15, respectively. It is concluded that the reliability index of slope decreases with the increase of earthquake acceleration, indicating that protective measures should be taken for the high slope of this section.
The aging precipitation behavior of P phase in two kinds of alloys with 7/3 and 9/1 nickel-to-iron ratios during aging at 800℃ after deformation was studied.
十几年前,当一位名叫罗伯特·科尔泽尼奥维斯基的小伙子放弃了柔道运动转而热衷于枯燥的竞走比赛时,许多人都认为他犯了一个大错误。 因为在田径项目中,其他诸如短跑和撑竿
20岁的中国高尔夫运动到了一个坎上。  2月23日,《人民日报》推出《透视高尔夫球场建设现状》一文,编者按提到,我国已建成176座高尔夫球场,但只有1座经国家有关部门审批。第二天的长沙报纸就报道,湖南省将暂停新增高尔夫球场的用地审批。而西安媒体曝出,西安市仅一家球会手续齐全。《南方都市报》社评的题目是《谁需要高尔夫球场》。之后,国土资源部权威人士向媒体透露,截至2004年1月之前,全国经国土资源部