The Application of Scheme Theory in Chinese Idiom Translation

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  Abstract:Schema Theory points out that people must correlate the new information they receive with their schemata so as to evoke understanding of the imported information.This article applies schema theory to the analysis of the translation of Chinese idioms,and thus points out the means of translating Chinese idioms.
  Key Words:schema theoryChinese idiomstranslatability
  中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-0118(2011)04-0240-01
  Schema is a construction of new things and old knowledge or information and is a complicated information system of related knowledge.Schema theory proposes that,any language material,no matter in written or oral form,can not transfer the meaning by itself, instead it mainly aids the hearer or reader to form the meaning, which is based on the existing knowledge.
  一、Translating Process in Schema Theory
  Translation process mainly includes two steps: understanding and ex pressing,the former of which actually is the decoding of source text;while the latter means the re-encoding of source text into target language.The understanding is a complex process,which requires the translator not only possessing a large number of language schemata and content schemata, including the understanding of source texts’ grammar,words, logic and relevant culture,but also grasping the formal schema, namely the language style of source text.At first,a translator should act as a reader to interpret the source text, and then convey the message with great creativity.To interpret and rewrite the source text successfully,the translator should hold the identical or similar schema to the author.Meanwhile,in the expressing stage, the interpreter should make full use of the existing cognitive schemata of target readers,by way of assisting them in building new schemata or modifying their former ones.
  二、The Translation of Chinese Idiom
  An adequate translator refers to the person who possesses sufficient schema knowledge and can activate that knowledge to appropriately interpret ST and translate it into other version acceptable to target readers. The translation of Chinese idioms can be achieved by following means:literal translation, free translation and borrowing translation.
   (一)Literal Translation
  For those idioms that can offer English readers vivid and comprehensive images, which are similar to what in Chinese readers’ minds, they are recommended the method of literal translation. This kind of translation can express maximally Chinese idioms’ connotation without disobeying English grammar and rules. One more important thing, literal translation is not the translation strictly word by word, but translation according to words’ meaning without much stretch and explanation, such as the Chinese idiom“剖腹藏珠”can be translated in this way “cut open your stomach to hide a pearl”.
  (二)Free Translation
  It is not the case that every Chinese idiom can be translated literally for that some schemata knowledge related to the idiom are unacceptable to English readers. Here is an instance that someone once made a huge mistake to translate Chinese idiom “胸有成竹”into “have a bamboo in his stomach” Actually, this idiom originated from Sushi, with the literal meaning that a drawer must have bamboos images in the mind before drawing the picture, together with the figurative meaning that one already has a well-thought-out plan before he does something. Therefore this idiom cannot be interpreted literarily and free translation is recommended with the version of “to have a well-thought-out plan before doing sth.”Followings are some instances:
   叶公好龙 professed love of what one really fears
   东施效颦 crude imitation with ludicrous effect
   南柯一梦 a fond dream or illusory joy
   四面楚歌 to be besieged on all sides
  (三)Borrowing Translation
  It means that in some cases those corresponding English idioms, can be borrowed to translate Chinese idioms. Both English and Chinese are rich in idioms, of which some are similar in content and form with the approximately identical meaning and connotation, thus English idioms can be used directly to replace some Chinese idioms. The translation of this kind may add more vividness and affability to English readers and make them understand Chinese idioms with less effort. Of course, the use of this method only confines to translating those idioms for which English and Chinese readers possess identical or similar schemata, such as these three Chinese idioms“大题小作”、“赴汤蹈火”“洗心革面”and English idioms “make a mountain out of a molehill”, “go through fire and water” and “turn over a new leaf” almost contain the similar schemata knowledge, thus they are interchangeable. Followings are more examples:
  Chinese idioms are not easy to be translated into English. By the usage of schema, in the understanding period, the translator should stimulate and utilize his own schematic knowledge related to the idioms involved to decode them, getting the maximal information of idioms. While in the process of expressing, the translator will, on the basis of thoroughly understanding Chinese idioms, try every means to activate readers’ existing schemata and be help for them to establish more new schemata when encoding the message.
  [1]Unger.F and Schmid. H.J,1996\2001.An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics[M].Addison Welsley Longman Limited\ Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.
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