
来源 :国际石油经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zyf008
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2001年作为新世纪开局的第一年,世界政治经济和外交形势均发生了一系列重大变化。国内外石油行业发生的一些大事,引起举世关注甚至震惊。由本刊独家策划、组织并推出的“2001年国内外石油经济十大新闻”,意在回顾昨天、承载历史、告诫未来。本次“十大新闻”的评选结果是经过石油、石化、海洋石油三大(集团)公司以及相关行业、国家有关部门和科研院所的领导、专家学者的问卷投票统计而产生的。在此,谨对在此次评选活动中给予本刊各种支持与帮助的各方人士表示诚挚的谢意,并希望每年一度的评选活动继续得到大家的支持与关注。 As the first year of the start of the new century in 2001, a series of major changes took place in the world political economy and the diplomatic situation. Some major events in the oil industry both at home and abroad have aroused the world’s attention and even shocked. Exclusively planned, organized and launched by the magazine, “Top Ten News from Oil Economy in 2001 at Home and Abroad” is intended to review yesterday and bear the weight of history and warn of the future. The results of the selection of the “Top Ten News” are generated through the questionnaire and voting conducted by the leaders of petroleum, petrochemical and offshore oil companies as well as related industries, relevant state departments and research institutes and experts and scholars. Hereby, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all parties who gave this magazine a wide range of support and help in this selection event and hope every year the selection will continue to receive the support and attention of everyone.
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