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一见钟情朱丽叶·雷卡米耶是19世纪法国著名的沙龙女主人,当时巴黎政界和文坛的许多重要人物都是她沙龙的常客。她以超凡的魅力和机智著称;又因接待保王党人曾被拿破仑流放。在她的故事中,她与著名文学家夏多布里昂的恋情一直被传为佳话,那是从1817年5月28日女作家斯塔尔夫人的家庭晚会上开始的。当时正是王朝复辟时期,晚会座中全是社会名流。席间有两位宾客十分引人注目。 Love at first sight Juliet Lecamer was the famous French salon master of the 19th century when many of the key figures in politics and literary circles in Paris were frequent guests of her salon. She is known for his extraordinary charm and wittyness; and was exiled by Napoleon for the reception of the Booleans. In her story, her romance with the famous writer, Chateaubriand, has always been a fabled story, starting from a family gala on May 28, 1817, by a woman writer, Mrs. Starr. At that time it was the restoration of the dynasty, the party seat full of celebrities. There are two guests during the show is very compelling.
For the determination of electron temperature in plasma,this paper presents a method tomeasure the deionized period by optical attenuation during afterglow.The
本文介绍了一个用于大型企业内部的光缆图象传输系统实例,试图说明光纤通讯技术,用于企业现代化生产的现场指挥,有明显的先进性和经济、社会效益。 This paper introduces a
邵飞是近年来在大陆和海外 画界享有盛誉的一位画家。她笔 下的绘画世界是一个极为神奇的 世界。在其中,我们既可以看到画 家本人对生命、自然和经验世界 的敏锐感受,又可以
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This paper reports some results in the investigation of deep levels in titaniumdiffusion-doped silicon;there Ti-related doep levels are observed by the DLTS.Th