Mutagenesis of the Bacillus edaphicus Strain NBT and Its Effect on Growth of Chili and Cotton

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ytm_2009
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A strain NBT capable of dissolving silicate minerals and promoting plant growth was treated with UV+LiCl. Thirty-two mutants tolerable to 2% NaCl solution were obtained. However, through the survival experiments in high osmatic pressure, high temperature and different acidities, two mutants of NBT-6 and NBT-19 were finally obtained. They could survive from 10% NaCl solution and tolerate 55℃, acidic (pH 4) and alkalic (pH 10) conditions. The mutants had the same ability to release K from silicate minerals as the starting strain NBT. Pot experiments with chili and cotton showed that both the mutants developed in the rhi-zosphere soils. The available P and K contents in the rhizosphere soils and plant biomass increased through inoculating these bacteria. A strain NBT capable of dissolving silicate minerals and promoting plant growth was treated with UV + LiCl. Thirty-two mutants tolerable to 2% NaCl solution were obtained. However, through the survival experiments in high osmatic pressure, high temperature and different acidities, two Mutants of NBT-6 and NBT-19 were finally obtained. They could survive from 10% NaCl solution and tolerate 55 ° C., acidic (pH 4) and alkalic (pH 10) conditions. Pot experiments with chili and cotton showed that both both the mutants developed in the rhi-zosphere soils. The available P and K contents in the rhizosphere soils and plant biomass increased through inoculating these bacteria.
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