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乌盟地区造林实行以个体造林为主以来,除国营、集体造林继续发展外,出现了场民合作造林、农民联户承包造林、专业户重点户造林等多种形式,林业专业产成为造林的主力军,出现了一批承包上千亩、几千亩荒山造林的林业大户。面对这种形势,自治区一位领导同志曾经预言:‘从种植业上讲,农村要出现百万富翕,我看首先是从林业开始。’武川县大兰旗乡脑包自然村的贾登科,就是一位未来的百万富翕,他现年五十三岁,实践使他认识到,要想改变山区贫穷落后面貌,必须走林牧为主的路子,他为自己制定了远抓 Since the afforestation in Umwuma area has been mainly afforestation, in addition to the continuous development of state-owned and collective afforestation, there have been many forms of afforestation by farmer-peasant cooperation, contractual afforestation by peasant households, key afforestation by specialized households, etc., and the forestry specialty production has become the main afforestation project Army, there have been a number of contractors on the acres, a few thousand acres of afforestation afforestation large. Faced with this situation, a leading comrades of the autonomous region once predicted that: "From the perspective of crop cultivation, there will be millions of wealth in rural areas. I think the first step is starting from forestry. Jia Dengke, a natural village in the head pack at Dalan Banner Township in Wuchuan County, is a future millionaire who is 53 years old. Practice has taught him that in order to change the impoverished and backwardness in mountainous areas, he must take the forestry and animal husbandry as the The way of the Lord, he set a far grasp for himself
他轰村森林生长量是消耗量的五倍,他们的经验集中起来就是一个“严”字。 He Hmong forest growth is five times the amount of consumption, their experience together i
肺炎目前仍然是儿童社区和医院内最常见的感染之一,其中有36%~57%可引起胸腔积液。这种积液与肺炎的发生密切相关,临床上称为肺炎旁胸腔积液(parapneu-monic effusion,PPE,肺
前不久,中共灵川县委办公室收到灵川中学黄仙同学写给县委的信。现摘抄如下: 今年上半年,我在大境故乡进行了一次社会调查。我觉得山区许多森林资源没有得到合理开发利用。
实验作为化学教学中的重要教学内容之一,是化学理论验证和检验最为有效的方法,也是培养和提高学生的兴趣、动手能力最为有效的途径。 As one of the most important teachin