
来源 :毛泽东邓小平理论研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ggooddII
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近些年,在一些领域马克思主义有被边缘化的倾向。其原因,主要是未能科学地对待马克思主义。比如,追求十全十美的马克思主义,把没有的东西加在它的身上,把它神秘化;不是对马克思主义进行深入研究、反思,而是贴标签,热衷注释,把它教条化、模式化。这些教条主义和形而上学的作法,将马克思主义蜕化成与世隔绝的封闭系统。马克思主义是揭示人类社会发展规律的学说,它没有也不可能垄断真理,而是开放发展的科学体系。我们的任务是吸纳百川,综合创新,把马克思主义提高到新的境界,发展到新的水平。与时俱进是马克思主义活的灵魂,创新是马克思主义生命力所在,马克思主义的创新有两种形态:一种是前人未说过,现在我们说了;另一种是把前人或别 In recent years, Marxism has been marginalized in some fields. The reason is mainly that it fails to treat Marxism scientifically. For example, the pursuit of perfect Marxism, nothing to add to it, mystify it; not Marxism in-depth study, reflection, but labeling, keen comment, dogmatic it, and pattern. These dogmatic and metaphysical practices degenerate Marxism into a closed system of isolation. Marxism is the doctrine of revealing the laws governing the development of human society. It can not and can not monopolize the truth, but a scientific system that is open to development. Our task is to absorb all kinds of rivers, make innovations comprehensively, raise Marxism to a new level and reach a new level. Keeping pace with the times is the living soul of Marxism. Innovation is the vitality of Marxism. There are two forms of Marxist innovation: one is that the predecessors did not say it, and now we have said it; the other is that our predecessors or not
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目的 探讨集束化护理在降低脑卒中患者肠内营养并发症的应用效果.方法 选取2015年1月-2016年1月需要行肠内营养的脑卒中患者50人为对照组,用传统护理方法;2016年1月-2017年1
现实中所称的马克思主义,众说纷纭,孰是孰非,应加以科学界定,去伪存真,形成科学的马克思主义. rn一、正本清源rn马克思主义应是唯物的世界观和辩证的方法论.用这个原理审视社